Social Psychology Approach Flashcards
What does the reward model propose with regards to relationships?
We have relationships with people we find rewarding/make us feel good
What aspects make people more rewarding to have relationships with?
Propinquity, attractiveness, reciprocation, similarity
What is propinquity?
Physical proximity
How were propinquity and friendship represented empirically?
Neighbours were more likely to be friends with each other, and people in buildings next to each other were more likely to be friends with each other
Why does propinquity make people more rewarding?
Ease of access/convenience, repeated contact
What is the caveat of propinquity?
It can make you like a person less if they are obnoxious
Why are more attractive people more rewarding?
NA, what is beautiful is good heuristic
What is the ‘what’s beautiful is good heuristic?’
Assume beautiful people are more sociable, kind, interesting, strong, successful, outgoing
What was the correlation between suspected earnings and attractiveness ratings of grad photos?
More attractive people were assumed to make more money
What were the results of people talking to each other on the phone, ratings of social skills and ratings of attractiveness?
The people that had better social skills were actually more attractive
What happened when men were given a photo of an attractive woman and then had a phone conversation with some other random woman?
When the man thought the woman they were talking to was more attractive, the conversation went better
What is the correlation between attractiveness and misdemeanors?
Attractive criminals got lower misdemeanor fines
What is the contrast effect?
People feel less attractive/worse after talking to an attractive person
What evidence supports the contrast effect?
Men lowered their ratings of love/attraction to their current partner after viewing a photo of an attractive woman
How is trust altered based on your perceived attractiveness?
Attractive people are less likely to believe praise about school work if they know the evaluator has seen their photo and unattractive people are more likely to believe praise if they know the evaluator has seen the photo