Social Psych and Personality Flashcards
Name the trait perspective theorists:
- Allport
- Cattell
- Eysenck
- McCrae & Costa
Allports view on trait perspective
- first to use the term trait
- unlimited amount of traits
- wanted to understand the human nature
- idiographic approach: very in depth –> focusing on individuals
- nomothetic approach: broad personality characteristics –> looks at group behaviour
- common traits: what most people have
- individual traits: unique traits that not everyone has
Cattells view on trait perspective:
factor analysis:
- which traits tend to go together in people
- cluster them based on correlations
- 16 main personality traits
Eysencks view on trait perspective:
- 3 dimensions of personalities - super factors/supertraits
- extraversion/ Introversion
- neuroticism
- psychoticism
- neuropsychology causes personality
- trais and intelligence are hereditary
McCrae & Costas view on trait perspective:
- 16 too many, 3 too few
- created the big five:
• Extraversion
• Neuroticism
• conscientiousness
• agreeableness
• openness
The strengths of the trait perspective:
- active research, generating knowledge about humans
- generating falsifiable hypotheses
- integrating biological findings with personality theory
The weaknesses of the trait perspective:
Allport: you can’t predict individual behaviour from looking at their nominal traits
- factor analysis gives you artificial clusters
- trait data only rely on self report questionnaires
- cultural differences?
- personality is more than just traits
Name the Social cognitive perspective theorists:
- Bandura
- Kelly
- Mischel (was kelly’s student)
Banduras view on the SCT
- exposure to life experience
- learning that actions have consequences
- developing internal system of values and morals
- these systems guide our actions
- Observational learning
- Bobo doll experiment
Kellys view on SCT
- cognitive view: people don’t just respond to situations but also interpret the situations
- role construct repertory test
Mischels view on SCT
- personality paradox
- weak vs. strong situations
- people differ in terms of:
• competencies + skills
• beliefs + expectancies
• goals (proximal and distal)
• evaluative standards
Trait vs SCT differences
- score on questionnaire is average tendency to behave in a particular way
- traits cause your behaviour
- averaging behaviour trends is less meaningless because personality is variations per situations
- traits can only describe, requires more than that like cognition and emotion
Strengths of the SCT
- theoretical concepts are defined in such a way that you can test and potentially falsify them
- wide variety of research methods
weaknesses of the SCT
- not yet unified
- no assumptions that tie together all elements
- neglect biological forces of maturation (puberty, menopause) + temperament
Who are the theorists of the humanistic perspective?
- Rogers
2. Maslow