Social Process Theory Flashcards
Social Process Theory
Theories suggesting that criminal behavior is learned in interaction with others and that socialization and learning processes occur as the result group membership and relationships.
Social Process Theories
1) Social Learning theories
2) Labeling Theory
3) Social Control Theories
Social Learning Theories
A perspective that places primary emphasis upon the role of communication and socialization in the acquisition of learned patterns of criminal behavior and the values that support that behavior.
Differential Association Theory
Suggest that all significant human behavior is learned and that crime, therefore, is not substantively different from any other form of behavior.
Social Learning Theory
Criminal behavior can not only be learned in social interactions with other humans who reinforce or discriminate against certain behaviors, but it can also be learned in a non-social context where the environment either reinforces or discriminates against behaviors.
Social Learning Theory has four components
1) Differential Association
2) Definitions
3) Imitations
4) Differential Reinforcements
Differential Association
The relationship humans have with others
Favorable or unfavorable to the violation of the law
Occurs when a person observes another and decides to mimic the behavior
Differential Reinforcement
The perceived or actual consequences of a behavior.
Social Control Theories
- Ask why people obey rules instead of breaking them
* Predict that when social constraints on antisocial behavior are weakened or absent, delinquent behavior emerges.
Reckless Containment Theory
A form of control theory that suggest that a series of both internal and external factors contribute to law abiding behavior
The stabilizing force that, if effective, blocks pushes and pulls from leading an individual towards crime.
External Containment
the holding power of the group
Internal Containment
the ability of the person to follow the expected norms, to direct himself.
Reckless Containment Theory
*A focus on socially approved goals help keep people on the straight and narrow path