Social/political vs tragedy Flashcards
The concept of a social drama and the concept of tragedy are almost mutually exclusive: if society is to blame; why is Willy not tragic?
as he does not bring disaster on himself
It has been argued that this is a play which sets out to expose the corrupting influence of American society. This would mean that Willy is not to blame, but that he is a victim. The play might still be considered tragic in what sense?
in the sense that any defeat of ordinary people by an inhuman system is.
Who saw Arthur Miller as being confused by tragedy?
Contemporary Marxist sympathisers
Why did Contemporary Marxist sympathisers get confused by tragedy?
because they saw social conditions as the source of all blame, and to accuse Willy of bringing disaster on himself was muddled
Marxist interpretation of the play have accused society of governing our behaviour. However how can Howard be seen as less harsh?
as he was only responding to Willys evident mental condition “You didn’t crack up again, did you?”
Although it may be wrong to see the play as a criticism of society alone, it does condemn many aspects of the social system. What does the Expressionist technique make the play focus on?
the psychological of the individual rather than the social conditions
It could be argued that Arthur Miller has created a character whom in the words of Marx finds that “”?
‘social being determines consciousness”
Why would it be extreme to argue that Arthur Miller has created a character whom in the words of Marx finds that ‘social being determines consciousness’?
As Willy’s dramatic presence makes it difficult to dismiss his own actions and to see him as a pure product of society rather than an instigator
The playwright himself argues against any reduction of his play to political ideology, and reminds us that which character, a capitalist, is the most decent person in the play?
Arthur Miller believes he cannot disentangle man from society and society from man, how does Arthur Miller describe it?
as a social matrix
Marx has said that ‘men make their own fate but not ____________________’
in circumstances of their own choosing
Willy has sold things for so long that he has begun to sell himself. This ______________ of his own being distances himself from society and even his own family..
Alienation divides the self into _________ elements. In trying to live up ideals which have been found externally, Willy is living in the _______ _______ ___________, unaware of his alienation and willing to excuse it.
Marxist false consciousness
the ruling class constituted a __________ (competitive) state which turned competition into a law of nature and allowed the interests of capitalist society to allow everyone to believe that they could succeed if only they tried.
Happy says “everybody around me is so fake that ___ ________ ______ ___ ______”
I’m constantly lowering my ideals
Most of Willy’s dream sequences are in fact manifestations of his unacknowledged desires. Such as what?
- want to be a family man again
- builder
Willy believes that selling can fulfil the whole man but does not recognise that his idol, Dave Singleman was alienated, and in this way ideology can be seen to do what to him?
damage his nature
When Willy considers suicide, he spares no thought at all for his wife, and it is left to whom to provide a poignant scene at the end where she shows the depth of her grief?
It may appear that women in the play seek men to define their existence and provide them with pleasure and direction. Linda, despite her courage and determination, offers little in the way of what?
personal views on the events
What is significant about the fact that Happy refers to seducing women like bowling?
It suggests that he finds it easy to strike at immobile, senseless targets which indicates women are passive waiting only for men to come into their existence and claim them
Willy is a character riven with such dissonant (unharmonious) impulses that he is completely __________.