Social Perception and Attribution Flashcards
Chapter 3
Social perception
hur vi samlar in och tolkar information om andra (dvs hur vi formar uppfattningar om dem)
Primacy effect
the tendency for earlier information to be more influential in social perception and interpretation
“For example, a target described as intelligent, industrious, impulsive, critical, stubborn, and envious was seen as competent and ambitious”
Implicit personality theory
we actively draw conclusions about a person based on our ideas about how different personality characteristics hang together (as oppose to just summarising all the bits of information - we weigh them and make assumptions)
Configural model (definition + example of theory)
A holistic approach to impression formation
- implying that the perceiver actively constructs deeper meanings out of the bits of info that she receives about other people
Implicit Personality Theory
Cognitive algebra
a model that suggests the perceiver AVERAGES (or sum up) trait information, when forming impressions of other people
Causal attribution
hur vi drar slutsatser om orsaken till en annan persons beteende
Explain the connection between Attribution Theory and personal dispositions
a person’s enduring characteristics, such as ability and personality traits
Drawing conclusions about a person’s dispositions helps us to INTEGRATE otherwise disorganised information about others, and PREDICT future behaviour.
Correspondent inference theory
+ one problematic assumption
inferring dispositions from behaviour
(observers infer correspondent intentions and dispositions for observed intentional behaviour under certain circumstances)
assumes that observers systematically process all potentially relevant information when making attributions. - however, more likely causal inferences are shaped by prior knowledge and expectations
Correspondence bias
aka Fundamental Attribution Error
the tendency to INFER a PERSONAL DISPOSITION corresponding to observed behaviour, even when the behaviour was determined by the SITUATION
= the tendency to underestimate situational influences
p. s.
- - the naïve psychology practised by laypeople is closer to personality psychology than social psychology - behaviour is often seen as a reflection of an actor’s corresponding internal disposition even when it is actually caused by situational factors.
Covariation Theory
+ one problematic assumption
-how do we weigh up different possible causes of behaviour?
Cov. Theory: says observers work out the CAUSES of behaviour by collecting data about comparison cases, and CAUSALITY is attributed to the PERSON / ENTITY / SITUATION - depending on which of these factors covaries with the observed effect
1) definition
2) för- och nackdelar med att använda sig av dem
”Kognitiva strukturer som representerar kunskap om ett begrepp (person, grupp, händelse, etc.), inklusive dess egenskaper och sambanden mellan egenskaperna”
För- och nackdelar med att använda sig av scheman när vi bedömer andra - går snabbt (pro) men kan begränsa oss iom att det är en förenklad “schablon” (con)
Ett slags schema (rollschema)
Socialt delade generaliseringar om medlemmar i en social grupp.
- Inte alltid negagtiva.
- Ofta funktionella
3 “kategorier” av orsaker/förklaringar till ett givet resultat
Locus (Internal vs External)
Stability (stable vs variable)
Controllability (controllable vs uncontrollable)
Vad påverkar vårt val av schema/kategori?
Tillgänglighet, vilket i sin tur påverkas av Priming (exponering för viss stimuli/information kan göra en kategori (eller ett begrepp) mer tillgängligt)
Beskriv tvåstegsprocessen för Automatiska vs Kontrollerade processer
- automatisk aktivering (attribuering till INRE orsaker)
- viljestyrd kompensation (inkludera YTTRE orsaker)
- - Om vi agerar fördomsfullt eller fördomsfritt avgörs i steg (2), inte i steg (1)
Tvåstegsprocess (Devine 1989)
a) Vad avgör OM vi agerar fördomsfritt, och
b) Vad krävs för det? (3)
a) Viljestyrd kompensation av den automatiskt aktiverade stereotypen.
b) Kräver:
• Insikt (om att bedömningen kan vara biased)
• Motivation (att justera bedömningen)
• Tillräckligt med tid (att justera bedömningen)
4 grundheuristiker
– Representativitetsheuristiken
– Tillgänglighetsheuristiken
– (Förankring-och-justeringsheuristiken)
– (Affektheuristiken)