Social Media Zones (Chapter 6-9) Flashcards
3 important social media dimensions of variation
- audience and degree of specialization
- social objects that mediate the relationships among members
- degree of openness
internal social network
internal site an organization builds for its own use and limits to members of the organization (i.e. Yammer, intranets)
external social network
open to people who ae not employed by the site’s sponsor/organization
enterprise social network (ESN)
software created by a company to be used as an internal social network for organizations; Yammer, Workplace by Facebook, Jive
object sociality
the ability of an object to inspire social interaction
vertical networks
sies designed around object sociality; a network that caters to a certain category of users who are interested in sharing content and connecting with others over their shared interests
social lock-in
when a user is unable to transfer social contacts and content from one social network to another
social network fatigue
social media users’ tendency to withdraw from social media because of feeling overwhelmed
identity portability
a single profile would provide access across social network sites with a single login and hared information
an authentication protocol that works across participation sites
social sharing
people using tools, widgets, applications, and features to reveal elements of their digital identity
secondary content
things that others create which we feel are worth redistributing to our social networks (i.e. retweets, reshares, forwarding)
% of online community lurkers
brand profile
profile created by a brand on social network sites so they exists as people do on the sites
brand personification
a projective technique where people think about brands as if they were people, and describe how they would think and feel
brand mascot
fictional persona with a distinct personality created to represent a brand (i.e. GEICO gecko, Flo from Progressive)
message internalization
the process by which a consumer adopts a brand belief as his or her own
8 decisions in building a social media persona
- core values?
- pillars/social objects that illustrate values?
- brand promise?
- brand aspirational attributes?
- traits associated with brand?
- opportunities?
- alignment with company overall culture?
- stories that bring persona to life?
organic reach
reach obtained for free
earned reach
breadth and quality of contact with users; relationship marketing earns you value over time
brand fans
persons who are enthusiastic about a brand
an online fan community
name 5 brands with strong social following
Coca-Cola, red bull, converse, Samsung mobile, Nike football, PlayStation, Starbucks, Oreo, Walmart
5 characteristics of fandom members
- emotional fandom
- self-identification
- cultural competence
- auxiliary consumption
- production
fan base
number of fans for a brand, celebrity, etc.
return on emotion
assesses the extent to which a brand has delivered a value in exchange for the emotional attachment fans have awarded it
real-time marketing
brands post messages that resonate with the moment whether the moment is planned or spontaneous
user-generated contest campaign (UGC)
a way for brands to invite consumers to engage and interact while they develop shareable content; encourage people to develop and submit content related to a campaign
consumer generated media (CGM)
user content
participatory advertising
brands invite content, set mandatory guidelines, and possibly brand assets
content from UGC campaign that can be viewed and passed on to a brands networks
embedded brand community
communities developed and engaged by a company using an existing SNS like Facebook
online brand community
a community developed independent of an existing SNS
relevancy score
a score made of thousands of variables to prioritize content customized for each user
custom audiences
companies using information from customer databases and website traffic to target social media users directly
lookalike audiences
target users that match the characteristics of known customers
native advertising
paid ads that are so cohesive with the page content, assimilated into the design, and consistent with platform behavior that views feel that it belongs
social ads
online display ads that incorporate user data in the ad or in the targeting of the ad and enable some form of social interaction with the ad unit or landing page
5 questions brands should ask before social relationships
- is the brand set up for engagement?
- where should the brand be?
- how to develop brand profile to reflect brand personality?
- how to leverage fan sites to meet objectives?
- how to integrate social network presence into other campaign components?
elements of ad design
- headline
- text
- description
- caption
- call to action
- image/video
social publishing
the production and issuance of content for distribution via social publishing sites
unit of value in a social community, akin to the dollar in our economy
content marketing
strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience
channels of content marketing
blogs, articles, infographics, videos, podcasts, case studies, e-books, white papers, e-newsletters, quizzes, images
urban legends
untruths / exaggerations
editorial message
where the source expresses an opinion or interpretation along with the factual information
commercial message
an advertisement where it’s clear the intent is to persuade a viewer/reader to change an attitude or behavior
journalistic message
reports on facts in an objective and unbiased fashion
interpretive journalism
goes beyond the basic facts of an event or topic to provide context, analysis, and possible consequences; blurs the lines between editorial messages and journalism
cultural co-creation
co-created meanings among both producers and consumers
organic content
content a person feels intrinsically motivated to prepare and share
consumer-solicited content
content created due to an organization’s invite for contributions from users
citizen advertising
marketing messages that actual consumers create
incentivized content
content encouraged by the offer of an incentive (win a content, free merchandise)
sponsored content
paid content; when a brand pays for content creation shared externally
sponsored bloggers
brand fraud
scams by brand impersonators
filler content
content repurposed from other sources
original content
content contributions that originate with the poster but are not “weighty” enough to establish the creator as an authority
authority-building content
original content that positions the poster as an authority on the subject in question
pillar content
content where the source creates a solid foundation of original content
content value ladder
1 (bottom). filler
- basic [original content]
- authority building
- pillar
- flagship
compounding posts
posts that get shared over time
flagship content
original, authority-building, pillar content that becomes a seminal work in the field
media plan
designates how the campaigns creative content will be disseminated to the target audience using specific media vehicles
search engine optimization
the process of modifying content, site characteristics, and content connections to achieve improved search engine rankings
social media optimization
process that makes it more likely for content on a specific social media platform to be more visible and linkable in online communities
browsing turns to a purchase
search engine marketing (SEM)
online marketing that promotes websites by increasing the visibility of the site’s URL in search engines
search engine results page
golden triangle
first three search results / guaranteed to be seen
web crawlers
automated web programs that gather information from sites that ultimately form the search engine entries
off-site/on-site indicators
ways to SEO - links from other sites / tags and keywords
indexed data
tags and keywords derived from site content
on-site optimization tools
- meta-tag
- title tag
- heading tag
- title
long tail keywords
multi-phrase search queries
the building blocks of social publishing
affiliate marketing
unaffiliated sites link to a brand’s content
hub and spoke system that uses web properties as spokes to send one link to the home site and another to the next property
white, gray, black hat {SEO)
play by the rules when it comes to SEO, takes some liberties, manipulate the system by using unethical tactics
power site
a site with enormous readership such as
careful crafting of a title that markets the content
used in a title to position content for the target audience [using words like Ultimate];
Resource hook, contrary hook, humor hook, giveaway hook, research hook
social media press release
announcement to public optimized for social media
Gallaugher and Ramsbothan 3M model of social media
Monitor, Magnet, and Megaphone
social entertainment
encompasses events, performances, and activities which are experienced and shared using social media and designed to provide the audience with pleasure and enjoyment
social branded entertainment
brand created vehicles of social entertainment by creating branded content whether it be games, music, video
social game
multi-player, competitive, goal-oriented activity with defined rules of engagement and online connectivity enabling conversation among a community of players
casual games
games with low barriers to entry, require little time per session, easy to learn, readily available online (i.e. Pet Rescue Saga)
a listing of the leaders in the game competition
achievement badges
symbols awarded to show game levels achieved and shared with the community
friend (buddy) lists
a list of contacts with whom one plays and the ability to communicate within the game
hardcore games
games that require extended lengths of play, highly immersive, require advanced skills for ongoing play (Call of Duty)
game platform
hardware systems on which the game is played
game consoles
interactive, electronic devices used to display video games such as Sony PlayStation, Nintendo Wii, Microsoft Xbox
mode of a game
the way the game is experienced i.e. whether a player’s activities are highly structured, single or multiplayer, etc.
genre of a game
method of play (simulation, strategy, action, role-playing)
4 forms of play
- power
- identity
- fantasy
- frivolity
milieu of game
visual nature of the game
3 degrees of brand integration
- advertising
- sponsorship
- branded
5 components of social entertainment
- social games
- original digital video
- branded video
- social TV
- social music
4 options for game-based marketing
- in-game advertising: promotion within a game; display or dynamic ad
- product placement: placement of a branded item in an entertainment property
- brand integration: branded in-game experiences
- advergames: game as a form of branded entertainment
why social games work?
- gamers open to the advertising content in games
- brands benefit when associate with a successful game
- players identify with the brands their characters use
- branding within a game’s story is an unobtrusive way to share messaging
- targeting to specific groups is possible
- marketers can measure a game’s promotional value
alternate reality game (ARG)
intensive from of social game; cross-media genre of interactive fiction; includes traditional media; multiple delivery and communications media
social commerce
subset of e-commerce that allows people to participate actively in the marketing and selling of products and services in online marketplaces and communities; interact and collaborate during the shopping experience
digital shoppers
internet users who have browsed, researched, and compared products digitally via any device whether they purchased or not
3 key social commerce elements
- ratings and reviews
- curated merchandise
- shopping applications and venues
social shopping
active participation and influence of others on a consumer’s decision-making process, typically in the form of opinions, recommendations, and experiences shared via social media
decision-making process / buyer journey
- problem recognition (awareness)
- information search (consideration)
- alternative evaluation
- purchase
- post-purchase evaluation
6 best practices for social reviews and ratings
- authenticity - accept comments, if negative
- transparency - disclose invited/incentivized opinions
- advocacy - let people rate the value of reviews
- participatory - encourage customers to leave reviews
- reciprocity - express gratitude for value of reviews
- infectiousness - make it easy to share reviews
how to build a strong base of authentic, good reviews?
educate, identify, provide, study, listen and respond
psychology of influence
factors may make it more or less likely that people will change their attitudes or behavior
- social proof - a lot of people select option
- authority - expert opinion
- affinity - follow attractive individuals
- scarcity - increase in the effort to acquire something scarce
- reciprocity - repay favors
- consistency - psychological discomfort
cognitive bias
shortcuts our brains take when we process information; used in the situation of bounded rationality and information overload