Social learning theory - AO1 Flashcards
What is social learning theory?
Acknowledges the role that the social context plays in development and states that all behaviour is learnt from observing others
- Draws attention to the influence of the environment (nurture) in shaping development
What is direct reinforcment?
Children are more likely to be reinforced for demonstrating behaviour that is stereotypically gender appropriate
- Boys: active, assertive and engage in rough and tumble play
- Girls: passive, gentle and staying close to parent
What is differential reinforcement?
The way in which boys and girls are encouraged to show distinct gender appropriatee behaviour
Child learns gender identity through this
What is vicarious reinforcement?
When the consequence of another person’s behaviour is favourable, the behaviour is more likely to be imitated by a child
E.g little girl sees mother being complimented for her make up, the girl may try copy this behaviour when she is able
What is identification?
Process where child attaches to person who posesses qualities that the child sees as desirable (role models)
- Role models may be in the child’s environment or the media
- Tend to be attractive, high status and are usually same gender as child
What is modelling?
Precise demonstration of a behaviour that may be imitated by an observer
- Mother may model stereotypically feminine behaviour when tidying the house
What are mediation processes?
Central to the learning of gender behaviour…