Social Learning theory Flashcards
What does social learning theory suggest ?
Learning is through observing a model and imitating a model
Process of imitating behaviour of role model
Role model is precisely showing a observer behaviour to be imitated
Induvidual identities themself with a role model due to similarity or status
Wants to be like role model
Vicarious reinforcement
If a person observes model rewarded for a particular behaviour
It increases chance observer will imitate behaviour to get same reward
Individual observes behaviour from role model and copies it
What are the 4 non meditational processes?
Modelling, identification, vicarious reinforcement and
What are the 5 meditational processes
Attention, Retention,
Reinforcements, motivation
Learning occurs when they attend a models behaviour
Attention must be captured
Must store memory of behaviour in LTM allowing behaviour to be remembered
Especially if behaviour is observed repeatedly the more memorable it will be and easy to store
Individuals must have skills and capabilities to reproduce models behaviour, more likely if behaviour is easy to replicate
Behaviour is more likely to be repeated if it simple
Motivation and reinforcements
Individual may be motivated to imitate the behaviour because they have seen someone else rewarded for that behaviour (Vicarious reinforcement)
Or they identify with the model
Banduras doll study aim, sample and procedure
Aim - see whether aggressive behaviour could be learned though observation
Sample-36 boys and 36 girls
Procedure - controlled enviorment
Non aggressive condition children observed models assemble toys in a quiet manner ignoring the doll
Aggressive condition children observed model acting aggressively towards the doll
Banduras doll study findings and conclusions
Finding - children in aggressive conditions had significantly higher physical and verbal aggression scores
Boys more likely to imitate aggression than girls (boys more aggressive than girls)
Conclusion - observation of behaviour can lead to imitative learning
People are more likely to imitate male aggressive models as physical aggression is perceived as more of a male appropriate behaviour
Social learning theory Ao3
Uses scientific methods
So it uses scientific enquiry to investigate human behaviour
Based on objective and empirical techniques such as Banduras doll lab experiment
Which had high control over extraneous variables such as role model modelling same types of aggression for each child
Therefore could be argued this increases overall internal validity of social learning theory as explanation for human behaviour
Raising psychology’s scientific status
Social learning theory Ao3
Practical applications
Principles of the theory that behaviour is caused by observing and imitating a model
Which has been used by the government to control the media portray certain behaviours
E.g restricted advertisement of cigarettes, alcohol and gambling in order to reduce negative behaviour
Therefore social learning theory as an explanation of human behaviour is an important part of applied psychology
As it helps to promote positive behaviours in the real world
Social learning theory Ao3
Praised for going beyond behaviourist approach
Considers humans have element of free will in learning (soft determinism)
All behaviour is a result of external causes
(Learning through imitating a model)
As individuals we also have the ability to
make conscious decisions about whether we or not to imitate behaviour and who we chose to model behaviour from
Thus social learning theory as an explanation of human behaviour could be considered superior to approaches that take a hard determinism stance