Social Issues Flashcards
What is medical anthropology?
Examination of social and cultural constructs of health and illness.
How our perceptions of body and self shape our experience of illness.
What are three points that question the divide between rationalism and relativism?
Biomedicine is not the arbiter between knowledge and belief
Researchers are not objective
Culture is not simply mentalistic or voluntary.
What are EMIC and ETIC approaches to MH?
EMIC is understood from within a culture- cannot translate well to other cultures. (Relativist)
ETIC believes in universal diagnosis- experiences outside of narrow field are excluded (Universalist)
We must consider: There are commonalities in disorders regardless of culture, but that culture plays a role in this expression.
What is the problem with the evidence hierarchy?
That there are certain questions only qualitative evidence can address and this sits outside this hierarchy.
How do epidemiology and anthropology differ in their approach to study.
Epidemiology comes from a postivistivst approach where there is one truth to uncover and this is done by keeping the researcher and what is researched separately.
Anthropology comes from a constructivist approach where reality is always shifting. Here we accept that the researcher will affect what is being researched.
Why is multidisciplinary research necessary?
It gives you a full picture. Because the methodology will be determined by the question you want to be answered.
What do qualitative and quantitive methods provide us?
Quantitive: Good for seeing the prevalence and burden
Qualitative: Good for exploration, Mechanisms for future research and understanding findings (why interventions worked or didn’t)
What do qualitative and quantitive methods provide us with?
Quantitive: Good for seeing the prevalence and burden
Qualitative: Good for exploration, Mechanisms for future research and understanding findings (why interventions worked or didn’t)
What is the INDEP 10/66 study?
It is a cross-sectional study of the changing health of the elderly in Peru, Nigeria, China and Mexico. Particularly looking at the social and economic effects via naturalistic interviews,
What did INDEP seek out to learn?
The relationship between care needs and household impoverishment. Looking at causes of resilience, policy environment and caregiving organisation.
What are 4 important considerations for qualitative research?
Generate multiple perspectives, use multiple people and iterations, accurate capturing, aware of biases.
What is a framework analysis and when should you use it?
Used when you have a clear topic or question to answer
Analysis using a code, helps find links,
no good for pure anthropological approach.
What are the most useful questions for Qualitative Research?
How and Why
What are some Qualitative methodologies?
Focus groups, in-depth interviews, ethnography, and participant observation.
What are the key considerations for conducting qualitative research?
Sampling should have depth and diversity
Interviewer skills: Provide a safe space
Quality in qualitative research: Credibility, Transferability, Dependability, Comfirmabilty
What are important considerations when analysing Qualitative data?
Find multiple perspectives
Involve several voices
Capture complexity
Be aware of bias and report on it
What is a Non-inferiority trail?
Where you are measuring that an intervention is no worse than TAU
What were the key findings for Healthcare satisfaction?
Medication and treatment benefits.
Quality and content of Comms
Healthcare worker characteristics
Clinical Environment
What were the lessons learnt by Maystone regarding Healthcare satisfaction?
Localisation of measures is important
Concepts may be similar, however, idioms and language could be different
Service user involvement is key
Therefore: Researchers should improve the capacity for service user involvement in service development.
What were the lessons learnt by Maystone regarding Healthcare satisfaction?
Localisation of measures is important
Concepts may be similar, however, idioms and language could be different
Service user involvement is key
Therefore: Researchers should improve the capacity for service user involvement in service development.