Social injustices Flashcards
What does rendering technical mean?
To oversimplify something that is actually more complicated and top-down
Creates “solutions” to superficial problems and depoliticises them
Why is climate justice important geographically?
Causes and impacts are uneven
How does the climate justice movement compare with the envi justice movement in 1960s USA?
Builds on the environ justice movement, but now has a global remit, increasingly in the global south too
What is climate colonialism?
- A misinterpretation of climate justice
- Forces poorer countries to deindustrialise and limit fossil fuel emissions when they lack the technology to develop by an alternative means
Why is climate justice often referred to as a “triple injustice” (CITATION?)?
- Hits the poorest
- Who feel the most impacts
- At a greater cost
What are the 4 pillars of climate justice outlined by Newell et al 2021?
1) Distributional (costs and benefits)
2) Procedural (equitable and fair)
3) Recognition of different perspectives
4) Intergenerational
(Newell, et al., 2021)
What is a good source for the UN polluter pay principle?
Adger, et al., 2006
Also UNFCC 1992
What is a good example of climate colonialism?
- REDDT+ (Citation??)
- Inhibited development
Who has raised the issue surrounding individualist approaches to climate justice?
Okereke and Coventry 2017
Besides localised impacts, what other reasons are there for moving beyond a state focus for climate change?
Corporations that are ultimately responsible for climate change
Besides forcing people to do things that they cannot afford, why is an individualist solution to climate injustices flawed?
Makes people selfish and self-centred so that they do not cooperate as a group
What is the first example of environmental injustice movements?
N. Carolina PCB protest 1982 in Warren County
What would be a novel approach to studying environmental injustice?
Understanding new conceptualisations of nature, urbanity and wilderness
Based on the works of R Williams, Cronon etc
What are 3 other ways of thinking about envi. injustice?
- Environmental Racism
- Pollution of Colonialism (Libiron, 2021)
- Social/racial segregation mirroring pollution (Bullard, 2006)
How does environmental injustice compare with envrionmentalism?
Looks at the localised impacts of the environment on communities, not distant national parks and wilderness places
(di Chiro, 1996; Cronon, 1996)