Social influence (lecture) key terms Flashcards
Social influence
Process by which attitudes, beliefs, perceptions and behaviors can be affected by real, imagined, or implied prescence
When behavior changes through a command from authority
When a message induces a change in beliefs, attitudes and behaviors
When behavior or attitudes change due to a direct request
A tendency for people to change their beliefs, attitudes or behavior due to real or imagined group pressure
Mere prescence
When were influenced by just the prescence of other people, without them doing anything
Social impact theory
This states that we’re influenced by others because of their strength, immediacy and the number of sources relative to the target (Latané)
Elaboration-likelihood model
Used to decide how different audiences can be persuaded. It includes the central and peripheral route to persuasion
First making a small request, to which you expect the person to say yes. Then follow with a bigger request. This is based on the human tendency for consistency
That’s not all
When you give someone something, and you want them to then give you something in return, like a discount at the store. This is based on reciprocity
When you make an outrageous request first and then follow up with a smaller request. This is based on reciprocity
When you make a request and later extend that request. This is based on commitment
Private conformity
When you change your opinions to fit those of the group because you want to acquire knowledge
Public conformity
When you change your behavior and expression to fit in with a group
Drive theory
States that when others are present, our brains are busy processing all the different information and cues, so the brain’s dominant response is strengthened. This results in you becoming better at behavior that comes easy to you (social facilitation) and that you become worse at behavior that does not come easy to you (social inhibition
When people lose their sense of self when in a crowd and their boundaries against deviant behavior are lost