Social Influence Flashcards
Asch evaluation - strengths
(+) high degree of control - lab experiment - could manipulate factors to test the variables affecting conformity - increasing validity
Asch’s evaluation - weaknesses
(-) lack of generalisability - sample size of American men - research shown women and ppl of collectivist cultures have higher conformity rates - smith et al - 75% was the average conformity rate in collectivist cultures compared to 25% in individualists
(-) a child of its time- Perrin and spencer replicated study in 1980s (ash did it in 1950) in UK- only 1 out of 392 conformed - diff times affect conformity
(-)ethical issues - pps deceived
(-) artificial situation - lab - trivial task - doesn’t replicate everyday life well
NSI evaluation strengths
(+) research support form Asch’s study
NSI evaluation weaknesses
(-) Nolan et al investigated effect of others on saving energy - pps claimed they conserved energy bc of other factors when results showed that other ppl were the biggest factor- ppl underestimate NSI- so those conclusions may be invalid
(-) individual differences - not every one cares about fitting in
ISI strengths
(+) research support from Lucas et al - maths problems to students - higher conformity with the harder questions
ISI (+NSI) weakness
(-) deutsch and Gerrard’s two process approach is sort of reductionist - moist of the time NSI and ISI working together rather than separate - eg presence of a dissenter can act as social support or an alternate source of info
zimbardos weaknesses
(-)ethical issues - psychological harm + zimbardo played a dual role - some came to ask him to leave but he didn’t accept it bc he was acting as the superintendent at that time
(-) Fromm accused of the conclusion being overstated bc in fact only a third acted brutally the rest enforced rules fairly or even was being friendly with prisoners
(-) Banauzizi and Mohavedi insisted gourds were play sting - one guard road he based his character of a film he watched cool hand Luke
zimbardos strengths
(+) high control - assessed volunteers + randomly assigned roles
(+) 90% of prisoners convos were about prison life one prisoner even believed this was a prison run by psychologists not the government - believing prison was real increases validity
Milgram weaknesses
(-) ethical issues - deceived + difficult for pps to withdraw bc of the prods making them experience high anxiety + distress - also not protecting from harm
(-) lack of generalisability - lab conditions - asked ro administer electric shocks doesn’t reflect real life - more subtle instructions
(-) population bias - 40 men sample from America
Milgram strengths
(+) replication of study produced v similar results. - a French Tv show had their pps administer shocks to actors - 80%went to 460v and many showed the same distressed behaviour
(+) deception was needed for experiment to work + at debrief 83.7% agreed that they were happy to participate for science
situational variables strengths
(+)replicated in diff cultures - miranda et al replicated the variables variations with Spanish students and got 90% obedience rate
(+) Bickman got the same results when he did a similar study - had a milkman, security guard and a professional to ask ppl on streets to pick ups litter or pay for parking - ppl twice as likely to obey security than prof
(+)good control as he changed one variable at a time sees the effects individually - validity
situational variables weakness
(-) however smith and bond says Spain is still western and has similar culler to USA so premature to say these variable are the same internationally
(-) Holland criticised original study saying pps guessed aim and with these variations its more likely they guessed - casts doubts over validity
agentic state strengths
(+) Blass and Schmitt showed film of Milgram’s study to a class - asked who to blame - said experimenter - how easy blame is given to authority figure validates this theory
agentic state weaknesses
(-)doesn’t explain findings of Hofling et al’s study with the nurses - didn’t show the moral strain expected
(-) not accepted in the judicial system as the argument of just following orders has not won - those used those lines been punished like Albert Eichmann
(-) soldiers were given orders to shoot civilian leaders in a polish town but aosnthe choice of doing smtg else yet they still shot them showing that they didn’t enter agentic state as no moral strain and CHOSE to do it - Mandel
legitimacy of authority strengths
(+) milgrams variations where he changed location to a rundown building (47.8) and when it was a member of public (20%)
(+) tarnow studied data from plane accidents and found that there was excessive dependence on the captain bc “they know what they’re doing”
even if it’s risky orders
(+) blass and schmitt showed the film- students said they saw the legitimate of the authority