Outline and evaluate explanations of conformity A01
- definition of conformity
Outline and evaluate explanations of conformity A03 points and describe burger
- Asch support
- Asch biased with 50 male students
- Jenness support
- Jenness lack ecological validity
Describe and evaluate one or more suites into conformity A01
- asch aim
- asch procedure
- asch results/conclusion
Describe and evaluate one or more suites into conformity A03 and describe burger
- population validity and beta bias
- ethical considerations
- ecological validity
Discuss factors that can affect conformity A01
- Define conformity
- How factors where studied
3/ Group size ( define) and outline - unanimity (define) and outline
- task diffucltiy ( define) and outline
Outline and evaluate research into conformity to social roles a01
- zimbardo aim
- zimbardo procedure
- results/conclusion
Outline and evaluate research into conformity to social roles a03 describe burger
- ethical considerations
- individual differences
- population validity
4/ ecological validity ( real ) - low reliability only conducted once
Outline and evaluate how situational variables affect obedience a01
- define situational variables
- uniform
- location
- proximity
Outline and evaluate how situational variables affect obedience A03 and describe burger
- uniform support from milgram and bickman
- location support from milgram
- proximity support from milgram
Outline and evaluate the authoritarian personality as a dispositional explanation for obedience. A01
- define
- f scale
- causation
Outline and evaluate the authoritarian personality as a dispositional explanation for obedience. A03 & describe burger
- elms and milgram support
- cause and correlation
- f scale not representable
Discuss research into obedience as investigated by Milgram. a01
- Define obedience
- Aim
- method
- results/conclusion
Discuss research into obedience as investigated by Milgram. a03 and burger description
- ethical guidlines
- ecological validity
- population validity
Outline and evaluate two explanations of resistance to social influence. a01
- Define resistance to social influence is
- locus of control rotter
- social support
Outline and evaluate two explanations of resistance to social influence. a03 and burger
- Spector research l/o/c
- Milgram research for ss
- Asch research for ss
Outline and evaluate the role of social influence processes in social change
- define social support
2 social influence process minority influence - characteristics of minority influence
Outline and evaluate the role of social influence processes in social change A03 INC BURGER
- Mosvoci
- real life examples
- Suffragettes
- Rosa Parks and Montgomery bus boycott
Outline and evaluate research into minority influence. A01
- Define minority influence
- Factors can enhance effectiveness of minority
- aim of Moscovici
- method
- results/conclusion
utline and evaluate research into minority influence. A03