Social Influence Flashcards
Define Conformity
A change in a person’s behaviour or opinions as a result of real or imagined group pressure. It is a form of majority influence
Define Compliance
When a person changes their public behaviour, the way they act, but not their private beliefs.
Define Identification
When a person changes their public behaviour and their private beliefs, but only while they are in the presence of the group. This is usually a short term change and is usually as a result of normative social influence
Define Internalisation
When a person changes their public behaviour and their private beliefs. This is usually a long-term change and often the result of informational social influence
What is the lowest level of conformity?
What is the middle level of conformity?
What is the deepest level of conformity?
What is Informational Social Influence?
Need to be right
What is Normative Social Influence?
The person conforms because of a need to be accepted by the group
What was Asch investigating?
The extent to which social pressure from a majority group could affect a person to conform
What sample of people did Asch test?
123 male American undergraduates in groups of 6; consisting of 1 true participant and 5 confederates
Briefly describe Asch’s procedure
Participants and confederates were presented with 4 lines; 3 comparison lines and 1 standard line
They asked to state which of three lines was the same length as a stimulus line
The real participant always answered last or second to last
Confederates would give the same incorrect answer for 12/18 trials
Asch observed how often the participant would give the same incorrect answer as the confederates versus the correct answer
What are the findings of Asch’s study?
36.8% of ppts conformed
25% never conformed
75% conformed at least once
Give the factors that affect levels of conformity
Group size
Task Difficulty
How might group size affect level of conformity? Refer to Asch’s study
An individual is more likely to conform when in a larger group. There was low conformity with group size of confederates were less than 3 - any more than 3 and the conformity rose by 30%
How might unanimity affect level of conformity? Refer to Asch’s study
An individual is more likely to conform when the group is unanimous i.e. all give the same answer. When joined by another participant who gave the correct answer in Asch’s study, conformity fell from 32% to 5.5%
How might Task Difficulty affect level of conformity? Refer to Asch’s study
An individual is more likely to conform when the task is difficult. For example, Asch altered the lines making them more similar in length. Since it was harder to judge the correct answer conformity increased.
When the task is difficult, we are more uncertain of our answer so we look to others for conformation
Give two strengths of Asch’s study
Lab experiment - Extraneous and cofounding variables are strictly controlled, meaning that replication of the experiment is easy
High internal validity - Strict control over EVs. The participants did the experiment before without confederates to see if they actually knew the correct answer
Give two drawbacks of Asch’s study
Lacks ecological validity - it was based on peoples’ perception of lines and so the findings cannot be generalised to real life as it does not reflect the complexity of real life conformity
Ethical issues - there was deception as participants were tricked into thinking the study was about perception rather than compliance so they could not give informed consent
What is a social role?
A position or status that a person holds e.g. student, daughter etc. Social roles may carry expectations about what is appropriate attributes and behaviour for the role e.g.intelligent, nurturing etc..
What was the aim of Zimbardo’s research?
To investigate how readily people would conform to the roles of guard and prisoner in a role-playing exercise that stimulated prison life
Who were the participants of Zimbardo’s research?
24 American male undergraduate students
Describe the procedure of Zimbardo’s research
Zimbardo converted a basement of the Stanford University psychology building into a mock prison
Participants were randomly assigned to either the role of prisoner or guard
Prisoners were treated like every other criminal, being arrested without warning and were stripped naked when arriving at the prison
Guards were permitted instructed to do whatever they thought was necessary to maintain law and order in the prison. No physical violence was permitted
Describe the findings of Zimbardo’s research
Identification occurred very fast, as both the prisoners and guards adopted their new roles and played their part in a short amount of time
Guards began to harass and torment prisoners in harsh and aggressive ways
Prisoners would only talk about prison issues
Give two strengths of Zimbardo’s research
Real life applications - This research changed the way US prisons are run e.g. young prisoners are no longer kept with adult prisoners to prevent the bad behaviour perpetuating
Debriefing - participants were fully and completely debriefed about the aims and results of the study