social influence Flashcards
conformity - aschs baseline procedure
2 what extent will people conform 2 opinion of oths
even if answer cert
conformity - variables investigated by asch
1 group size - varied nu confed fr 1-15, fou curvilinear relation b/w grp size/conformity, w 3 confed conform increased to 31.8% b +re lil difference, TF: sugg most peop sensitive to oth views
2 unanimity - ppts conform less w dissenter even if gave another wrong answer, rate decrease less than 1/4 lev when maj unanimous, ppt felt indep w dissent, TF: sugg influe maj dep 2 large extent on being unanimous
3 task difficulty - increase difficulty line judgem task fou conformity increased bec situ ambig, in these situs natural to look to oths 4 guidance (info social influe)
evaluation - artificial situ and task; asch baseline study
ppt knew were in res, demand charac
fishe; gr x resemble gr experi everyday life
TF: findings x generalise 2 real world situ esp where there’s conseq
evaluation - limited applic; asch baseline study
ppts american men, oth res sugg wom +re conforming bec care abo social relations
us individualist cult, in collectivist cult conform rates higher
TF: asch findings tell us litt abo conform in oth cult/wom
evaluation - research supp; asch baseline study
todd et al; hard/easy maths qs task
ppts given ans fr 3 confed fou ppt confirm +re oft when maths qs hard
TF: asch right in claims abo task difficulty
evaluation - research supp counterpoint; asch baseline study
lucas et al; fou conform +re complex
ppts w high maths confidence conform less on hard tasks compared to low confidence
TF: indiv lev fact can influe conform by interaction w situ variables
evaluation - ethical issues; asch baseline study
ppts deceived in thinking oth ppts involved too
conformity; ty and explanations - ty conformity
kelman; 3 ways peop conform to maj opin
1 internalisation; pers accepts norms, priv/pub change opin, perm change bec attit internalised
2 identification; conform when identify w grp, may pub change ops/beh 4 accept b may x priv
3 compliance; going along w oths publicly b priv x chan ops/beh, stop as soon grp press stops
conformity ty/expla - explanations for conformity
deutsch/gerard; 2 proc theory, 2 reas 4 conformity: 2 be right/liked
1 info social influes; when uncert abo beh/belief follow grp to be right, cog proc, perm change
2 normative social influe; norms typical 4 social grp, temp change in ops/beh, like in situ w stranger where concerns abo rej/peop u yk for social approval
evaluation - res supp for NSI
asch interviews; fou conform bec felt self conscious/afraid disapproval
when ppts wrote ans down conform decre to 12.5% bec no normative grp press
TF: shows some conform arise bec desire 2 x be rej by grp
evaluation - res supp for ISI
lucas et al; task diffic study wh saw conform increased when situ ambig
TF: ISI valid explanation of conform bec res what ISI predicts
evaluation - res supp for ISI counterpoint
unclear wheth ISI or NSI occur
ex asch dissenter variable; decre NSI bec prov social supp or decre ISI bec alternative source info
TF; hard sep 2 and b proc prob operate tg in real life
evaluation - indiv differences in NSI
nAffiliator; peop greatly concerned w being liked by oths
mcghee/teevan; fou students who were naffil +re like to conform
TF; there r indiv differ in conform that cx be fully expla by 1 general theory of situ press
zimbardos research - SPE
set up mock prison in psychology department basement at stanford uni
21 men volunt who emot stable, randomly assigned as prisoner/guard and encouraged to conform to social roles thru uniform/beh
1 unif; prison = lose smock/cap, identif by nu, gu = wooden club/handcuffs, unif creat loss ident
2 instruct abo beh; prison encourag identify w role by sev proced ex. apply 4 parole 2 leave proc
zimbardos res - findings related 2 social roles
gu treat prison harshly, aft 2 days prison rebelled ie. swearing/rip unif
gu divide and rule tactic; harassed prison ex. freq headcount’s/highligh diff social roles
aft rebell prison became dep, 1 psychological disturb, 1 hunger strike who was force fed then put in dark closet as punish
+re they identify w gu role +re harsher became, end study aft 6 days instead of 14
zimbardos research - conclusions related to social roles
have strong influe on indiv beh
gu = brutal, prison = submissive
roles v easily taken on by all ppts even volunt who came ex prison chaplain
evaluation - control; zimbardos research
contr over key variables
emot stable ppts / roles randomly assigned
ruled out indiv pers differences
TF: degree contr over variables increased validity of study so confid in drawing conc abo influe roles on conform
evaluation - lack of realism; zimbardos research
x have realism of true prison
banuazizi/movahedi; ppts play acting and performing based on steroty wh expl y prison rioted
TF: sugg find spe tells litt abo conform 2 soci roles in actual prisons
evaluation - counterpoint of lack of realism; SPE
mcdermott; arg ppts did beh as if prison was real ex. 90% convos abo prison life
prisoner 416 said believed prison was real b run by psychologists
TF: sugg spe replicat social role of prison/gu in real prison gibing study high degree of internal validity
evaluation - exagg power of roles; zimbardos research
exagg pow soci roles 2 influe beh
ex. only 1/3 gu acc beh brutally, anoth 1/3 were fair and anoth 1/3 tried help prison
most gu able resist situational pressures 2 conform 2 brut rol
TF: sugg zimbardo overstated view that spe ppts were conforming 2 social roles/minimised dispositional facts
milgrams research - baseline procedure
40 male american volunt in ‘memory test’
at lab drew lots wh were fixed so ppt always T , E./L. always confed
aim to assess obed in situ where E ordered (fake) shocks
shocks range 15-450 V
milgrams research - baseline findings
all ppts gave shocks up to 300 V
12.5% stopped at 300
60% went to 450
qualitative data of obvs fou extreme tension/sweat and 3 full blow seizures
milgrams research - other data
ask 14 psych students their predict
results unexpect, they pred no more than 3% will go all the way
all ppts debriefed and qu fou 85% glad pptd
milgrams research - conclusions
german people not diff
americans also risk harming ppl for obedience
evaluation - research support; milgrams research
findings replic in french docum abo reality tv game show
ppt paid to give shocks to oth ppts (actors) in front if audience
80% deliv max shocks and show anxiety
TF: supp M findings, x due to special circumstances
evaluation - low internal validity; milgrams research
orne/holland; arg ppts x believe set up, ‘play acting’
perry; listened to tapes of M ppts and fou only half believed shocks real
TF: sugg ppts responding to demand charac
evaluation - counterpoint to low internal validity; milgrams research
sheridan/king; milgrams like study w puppy
ppts gave real shocks as ordered by E
54% men/100% wom gave fatal shocks despite puppy’s real distress
TF: sugg eff M study genuine
evaluation - alternative interpretation of findings ; milgrams research
halsam et al; show M ppts obeyed w 1st 3 prods b w 4th (u have no choice must go on) disobeyed
accord SIT ppts only obeyed when identified w scientific aims of res
TF: shows SIT +re valid interp of findings