aggression Flashcards
the limbic system - neural mechanisms
limbic sys = hypothalamus, amygdala, parts of hippocampus
reactivtiy of amygdala is import predictor of aggr
gospic et al; study where ppts subjected to mild provocation
on fmri amygdala showed heightened and fast resp when acted aggr
when taken benzodiazepine b4 provocation number of rejections halved and reduced activity of amygdala
orbitofrontal cortex and serotonin; nerual mechanisms
serotonin has inhibitory eff in brain and slows down neuronal activity
norm lev of serotonin in ofc assoc w reduced firing of neurons
reduced serotonin disrupts mechanism wh reduces self control and incr impulsive beh
virkunnen et al; compared lev serot breakdown in cerebrospinal fluid of violent impulsive and violent non impulsive offenders
lev signif lower in impulsive offend
testosterone - hormal mechanisms
responsible 4 developm of masc feat
men +re aggr than women and beco +re aggr dur developm as testo highest
testos has role in regulating social beh via influe of areas of brain implicat in aggr
giammanco et al; castration stud - removing testes of male species decr aggr
injecting w testos restores aggr
dolan et al; fou +ve correl b/w testos lev/aggr beh in 60 offend sample in uk max security hosp w men who had persoanlity disorder/history of impulsive viol
progesterone - hormonal mechanisms
lowest during/just after menst
ziomkiewicz et al; fou -ve correl b/w progest/self rep aggr
tf sugg low lev progest incr aggr in wom
ao3 - other br struct; neural mechanisms
non limbic struct also involv in aggr
limbic struct funct tg w ofc wh x part limbic sys
ofc invloved impulse regulation/inhibition of aggr beh
coccaro et el; ofc act reduced in psychiatric disord feat aggr
reduced act disrupts ofcs impulse control funct wh causes aggr
tf shows that neural regulation of aggr +re complex than theories focusing on amygdala sugg
ao3 - drugs and serotonin; neural mechanisms
drugs that incr serot also reduce lev aggr beh
berman et al; gave ppts either placebo/paroxetine
ppts then played lab absed game involv giving/recieving shocks in resp to provocation
parox grp consist gave fewer/less intense shocks
tf study is causal link b/w serotonin funct/aggr
ao3 - animal research; hormonal mechanisms
supp fr research w animals
giammanco et al; review of study confirms role of testos
male rhesus macaque monkeys theres incr both testos lev/aggr beh in mating season
in rats, castrat of males reduces testos/mouse killing beh
injecting fem rats w testos incr mouse killing
tf findings show role testos in range anim species
ao3 - dual hormone hypothesis; hormonal mechanisms
carre/menta; claimed high lev testos lead 2 aggr beh b only when lev cortisol low
wh cortisol high testos influe on aggr blocked
tf combo of testos/cortisol may be bett predictor of aggr than either hormone alone
twin studies - genetic factors
sev twin stud sugg genetic fact accounts for 50% of variance in aggr beh
coccaro et al studied MZ/DZ male twins
expect to find greater simi b/w MZ t than DZ t bc share 100% genes
res fou concordance rates of 50% 4 MZ t and 19% for DZ t
verbal agr was 28% MZ and 7% dz
adoption studies - genetic factors
simi in aggr beh b/w adopt child and biolog par sugg genetic influe operating
simi in aggr b/w adopt child and adopt par sugg environm influe
rhee/waldman; meta analysis of adopt stud of direct aggr/anti soc beh
fou genetic influe accounted for 41% variance in aggr
the MAOA gene - genetic factors
maoa reg serotonin
comes in diff variants
maoa-L res low act of maoa-A enzy
mao-L linked 2 high lev aggr beh
rod lea/chambers; show maoa-L vari possess by 56% new zealan maori men compa 34% caucasians
maori men historical warriors (warrior gene)
brunner et al stud 28 dutch family men w cr of rape, assault and all have low lev maoa-A enzy and have MAOA-L variant
gene environement interactions - genetic factors
maoa-L gene only relat to aggr wh combo w early traumatic life events
ex. frazetto et al; fou assoc b/w higher lev antisoc aggr/maoa-L in adult males b only in those who experi signif trauma dur 1st 15 yrs life
even if no trauma b have gene men x have high lev aggr
strong evid of G-E interaction
ao3 - isolating genetic factors; genetic factors
diffic separat genetic/environmental factors
ie.indiv may possess gene assoc w aggr b beh only express if environm condit favourable
mcdermott et al; show ppts w maoa-L beh aggrin lab based money alloc game b only when provoked otherwise x +re/less aggr
ao3 - multiple genetic influe; genetic factors
size of genetic eff stats signif b also small
probably oth genes involv
stuart et al fou intimate partner violence in men assoc w maoa-L and serotonin transporter gene combo of gene closely linked w IPV
vassos et al; in meta analysis fou no evid of assoc b/w single gene/aggr
explain 100s/1000s genes interact complex ways 2 determine aggr beh
ao3 - measuring aggr - genetic factors
meth differ b/w stud inclu self rep,par/teach rep, direct obvs
rhee/waldmin; meta analysis 51 twin stud/adopt stud fou genetic influe greater in self rep studies
if vary b/w meth beco it diffic 2 draw valid conc about genetic factor role
ao3 - res supp for role of MAOA gene; genetic factors
mertins et al; stud ppts w maoa low/high vari in money distrib game
ppts make decis whether contrib money 4 good of grp or x
fou male w high act maoa vari +re co op/ made fewer aggr movem than maoa-L ppts
adaptive functions of aggr - ethological explanation
aggr beneficial 2 surviv bc defeated anim rarely killed b forced 2 establish territ elsewhere
species spread out over wider area/have to discover reso in diff place wh reduc competit/starvation
male chimpanzees use aggr to climb up social hierachy
ritualistic aggr - ethological explanation
lorenz; obvs fighting b/w monkeys of same species produces little phys damage
most aggr encounters consist of prolonged period of ritualistic signalling
intra species aggr confront end w ritual appeasement signalling
indicates acceptance of defeat/inhibits furth aggr beh in victor
prev damage to loser
innate releaseing mechanisms and FAP
IRM inbuilt physiological proc/struct
environmental stim trigg IRM wh ‘releases’ specif seq beh
beh seq called FAP accord to Lea there 6 main ft
stereotyped - unchanged seq beh
unaffected by learning - same for every speci regardless of experi
universal - same beh fou every speci
ballistic - once beh trigg follows inevitable course
single purpose - beh occurs only specific situs
resp to an identifiable specific sign stimulus
timbergens research - ethological expla
proc; male sticklebacks highly territor dur spring mating seas wh develop red spot underbelly
if anoth male enters territ seq highly stereotyped aggr beh initiat
sign stim is red spot
T present stickleback w wooden models w diff shapes
findings - regardless of shape if theres red spot male stickleback displays aggr beh b x red spot then x aggr
fou aggr FAP were unchanged fr 1 encounter 2 another
once triggered always ran its course
ao3 - eval extra; ethological expla
ethologists arg aggr is innate instinct
import implic is that humans will inevitably be aggr and fight each other eg in wars, Lorenz arg that this inevitablitiy is demostrated by FAPs
how oth appr sugg aggr x inevitable bc it is under rational control than instinctive
it is less innate and more affected by learning experi than ethologists accept
ao3 - culture; etholog expla
aggr beh differs fr 1 cult to anoth even w/n country
nisbett fou 1 ty homicide +re common amongst white men in southern US than northern US
difference caused by culture of honour that is more prevalent in southern US
kind of aggr beh fr learned social normal than instincts
tf cult can override innate predispositions wh diffic 4 theory to expla
ao3 - ritualistic aggr; etholog expla
goodwall obs 4 yr war w male chimps that killed all memb of anoth grp systematically even if shown appeasement sign
sign x inhibit aggr beh of attack
tf challenges etholog view about same species x killing each oth
ao3 - FAPs x fixed; etholog expla
lorenz og FAP outdated
hunt fou FAP influe by environmental factors/learned experi
ex duration FAP varies/beh fr 1 encounter 2 anoth
ethologists now pref term ‘modal beh patterns’
tf patterns aggr beh +re flexible than lorenz thought
evolutionary explanation of sexual jealousy - evolutionary expla
jealousy occurs bc men never sure if child is theres
cuckoldry - investing in offspring x share males genes is waste of his resources and contrib 2 surviv of rivals genes w less resou 4 own offs
avoid cuckoldry = +re reproductive success
psychological mechanisms evolve ie. sexual jealousy
often these drives r aggr strateg wh men employ to retain partn
mate retention strag - evolut expla
william/daly; sev mate retent strag wh inv aggr/phys vio
1 direct guarding - inv male vigilance ov part beh
2 -ve inducement - ie using threats of conseq 4 infed
physical vio against part - evolut expla
wilson et al; ask wom 2 rep mate ret strateg in part
meas on extent to wh they agreed w statement ex know where u r
wom who agreed 2x likel 2 exp phys viol
of these wom 73% req med attent and 53% feared 4 life
supp view mate retent strateg linked phys viol
evolutionary expla of bullying - evolut expla
evolut ancest may used bullyi 2 incr surv
male bully, volk et al, arg bully charac attractive 2 wom ie dominance
bully wards off pot rivals so beh nat select bc these men wou have greater reproductive success
bully benef health bc oth avoid contact w th so x face aggr/less stress
fem bully - takes place wn relation/meth 2 control part
use bully 2 secure part fidelity wh means cont prov resou 4 fut offs, beh nat select
ao3 - gend differ, evolut expla
theory expla y men/wom differ in uses of aggr
ex campbell arg that x adaptive for wom to be phys aggr bc beh risks own surv/offsps
verb aggr +re adapt to retain part so expl y fem display +re verb than phys aggr
tf arg prov supp for evolut appr
ao3 - cultural differ, evolut expla
some cult aggr appears 2 be non exist
ex. !kung san peop seen ‘harmless peop’
fou -ve attit 2 aggr wh discourag fr childh in bs/gs
aggr peop status/reputat wn commun dimished
cult/soc norms constrained aggr in soc
tf since some cult x show aggr such beh x adapt
a03 - real world applic , evolut expla
evolut expla can be used to reduce bullying
ellis et al sugg strat based on view that bully adapt
thru antibully interv they aim to incr costs of bully and rewards of prosocial beh
ex giving bullies responsib in skls that prov alternativ source of status
tf bully as adapt beh may lead 2 +re eff antibullying interv
ao3 - deterministic , evolut expla
evolut arg is biologically deterministic, aggr bc of adaptat that incr surviv chances of ancest so aggr inevitable and x our fault
how humanstic psych arg aggr subject to us exercising our free will, cog fact allow us to think about conseq of beh, ex cult diff
tf aggr x inevitable
the og hypoth - social psych expl FA hypoth
dollard et al states fustration always leads to aggr and aggr is always a res of fust
experi fust when attempt to goal is block. due to ext fact
this creates aggr drive wh leads to aggr beh/thoughts wh remove -ve emot known as catharsis, after this the aggr created by fust is reduc
FA hyp notes aggr x always express directly against source of fust:
1 cause is abstract
2 cause is too powerful/risk punish
3 cause unavaialable at time
res aggr deflected onto altern thats x abstract
the weapon eff -social psych expl FA hyp
berkowitz; fust creates readiness 4 anger
pres of aggr cues in environ make acting upon aggr more like
cues r additonal element of FA hyp
lab study; ppts give real electric shocks by confed wh creat anger/fust
ppts later opport 2 give fake shocks 2 confed
nu shocks greater when 2 guns on table compar 2 none
weap eff supp berkowitz that aggr environ cues stim aggr
res on FA - social psych expl FA hyp
geen; male uni stud complete jigsaw puzz
lev fust manip 3 ways
puzz impossib 2 solve, ppts ran out of time due 2 interfer confed, confed insulted ppts as failed puzz
insulted ppts gave strong. shocks on avg then interfered th impossib
all 3 gave more intense shocks than cg
ao3 - research supp; social psych expl of aggr
marcus newhall et al; conduct meta analy 49 stud of displaced aggr
investig situ wh aggr beh direct against ‘human target’ oth than caus fust
fust ppts who were provoked b unable to retaliayte 2 source directly signif +re like 2 aggress agaisnt innocent party
tf shows fust can lead aggr agianst weak/+re available target
ao3 - role of catharsis; social psych expl FA hyp
res show aggr may x be carthartic
bushman; fou ppts who vented anger by hitting punch bag beca +re aggr
doing nothing +re eff at reducing aggr, ‘bett peop feel aft vent = +re aggr they r ‘
tf shows centr assumpt of FA hyp may x be valid
ao3 - FA link
link is complex, fust x always lead 2 aggr, aggr occurs w/o fust
nothing automatic b/w the 2, some1 who feels fust may beh in range of diff ways than being aggr ex. helpless or determined
some1 who is aggr may do 4 many reas
tf sugg FA hyp is inadequate bc only expla aggr arising in some situ not all
ao3 - counterpoint to FA link, social psych expl FA hyp
direct and indirect learning - social psych expl SLT
bandura; aggr can learn. directly thru mechanisms operant condit involv +ve/-ve reinforcem/punish
child aggr snatches toy off another child, learns aggr is rewarding
direct reinforcem, +re like child will beh aggr
b also realised that beh oft cx be expla by such direct forms of learning
so arg indirect mechanisms accounts 4 SL of most aggr beh
observational learning/vicarious reinforcement - social psych expl SLT
also learn conseq of beh
if mod beh rewarded child learn aggr effect (vic reinfor) so child will imitate beh
if mod aggr beh punish (vic punish) then less like 2 repeat
cog condit 4 learning - social psych expl SLT
bandura indentif 4 cog condit 4 SLT
self efficiacy - social psych expl SLT
extent wh we believe out actions will achieve desired goals
childs confid in ability 2 be aggr grows as they learn aggr can bring rewards
bc aggr work in past, will contin in fut
banduras et als res - social psych expl SLT
proc; you child obs adult assualt Bobo doll, then play w unattract toys wh caus fust then taken 2 bobo doll + oth obs toys
findings; many child imit aggr beh, bs imit phys attent +re than gs, thos obs non aggr mod were not aggr
ao3 - research supp; social psych expl SLT
poulin/boivin; fou aggr bs aged 9-12 yrs form friendship w oth aggr bs, mutually reinforce each oth aggr beh (modelling)
watch eahc oth use proactive aggr 2 get what want - reinfor
expos freq 2 mod phys aggr/+ve conseq, gain approv fr gang
social learn proc made imitat aggr beh by bs +re like, predicted SLT
ao3 - counterpoint to research supp; social psych expl SLT
study x find simi 4 reactive aggr
researchers fou bs less like to 2 influe each oths reactive aggr outbursts
conseq react aggr x predictable
SLT limit bc relatively weak expla of react aggr
ao3 - real world applic; social psych expl SLT
SLT can reduce aggr
child readily imitate mods when obs mod rewarded 4 any beh esp wh identify w th
same learn proc can used 2 prod non aggr beh
tf SLT offers practical steps to reduce develop aggr beh in child
ao3 - biological influences; social psych expl SLT
underestim influe biological fact
bandura arg aggr primarily learned/outcome of nurture although he accepted there is an urge to be aggr that is instinctive in nat
b there r powerful genetic evolutionary neural and hormonal influe on aggr wh SLT x expl
tf SLT incomplete expl aggr bc underplays role of bio factors
crowd beh - social psych expl de individ
le bon; de indiv expl beh of indiv in crowds
wh part of crowd we lose restraint/have freedom 2 beh how want
lose sense indiv self ident/resp 4 beh
disregard norms/laws, resp shared thru crowd so less guilty
de indiv and aggr - social psych expl de individ
zimbardo; disting b/w indiv/de indiv beh
indiv beh rational/normative b deindiv emot/impulsive
deindivid we lose self awareness/stop monitor beh
condit de indiv wh prom aggr = dark,drugs,alcohol,masks
dixon/mahendran; anonymity shapes crowd beh
less fear of retrib bc small/unidetifiable in faceless crowd
bigg crowd = +re anony and prov fewer opport 4 oths 2 judge -ve
reduced self awareness - social psych expl de individ
experi de indiv in faceless crowd creates great. like 4 aggr
prentice-dunn et al; x due anony directly b conseq anonym
2 ty self awarness;
1 priv self awareness; how pay attent 2 own feelings beh, reduced wh part of crowd, focus outwardly 2 events around us and pay less attent 2 own beliefs
2 pub self awareness; ref how much we care oth peop think abo beh
reduc in crowds, seen anony so beh less judged and x care how oths see us
beco less accountable 4 own aggr actions
res on de indiv - social psych expl de indiv
dodd; proc - asked 229 undergrad psych studs in 13 classes if cou do anyth Q, resp anony, 3 indep rater x hyp decid categories
findings; 36% resp involv anti soc beh, 26% actual crim acts
most comm ‘rob bank’, some murder rape and assassination
only 9% pro soc beh
stud demostr link b/w anony, aggr and de indiv
ao3 - res supp; social psych expl de indiv
douglas/mcgarty; look. at aggr online beh in chatrooms
fou strong correlat b/w anony/’flaming’
most aggr messag sent fr those who hid real ident
tf supp link b/w aggr beh/anony
ao3 - counterpoint to res supp; social osych expl de indiv
de indiv x always lead 2 aggr
gergen et al; devi in dark study, 8 strangers placed in dark room and told 2 do what want and will never see each oth again
quickly stopp talking and started kissing/touching intimately
2nd study ppts told will see each oth and amou kissing/touching decr
tf deindiv may x always lead 2 aggr
ao3 - real world de indiv; social psych expl de indiv
expl beh of baiting crowds
mann; investig instances suicidal jumpers
identif 21 cases report us newspap of crowd gathering to bait jump
tend occur in darkness, large crowds, jump distant fr crowds
tf some validity to idea that large gr can beco aggr in a de indiv faceless crowd
ao3 - role of norms;social psych expl de indiv
de indiv beh normative x anti normative
speaes/lea; SIDE mod arg de indiv acc leads 2 beh that conforms 2 grp norms
may be anti soc b cou be pro soc equally
happens bc anony shift attent fr his/her priv indent 2 soc ident as grp memb
tf sugg peop in de indiv state remain sensit to norms rath than ign th
the importation mod - DE instit aggr in prisons
irwin/cressey; prisoners import subcult typical of criminality
using viol 2 settle disputes in prisons reflect life b4 prison
inmates import beh/charac wh influe use aggr 2 estab pow/stat/resou
tf aggr product of indiv charac of inmates x pris environ
prisoner charac linked 2 outcomes - DE instit aggr in pris
delisi et al; stud grp juvenile offend who had -ve backgr
indiv import charac in2 pris, compar w cg
-ve inmates +re like engage suicidal acts/sexual misconduct, phys aggr
the deprivation mod - SE instit aggr in pris
clemmer; harsh pris condit inclu psycholog/phys fact wh r stressf 4 inmates who cope by resort 2 aggr/vio beh
depriv material goods link 2 aggr bc incr competit b/w inmates
prison regime is unpredictable/uses lock ups 2 cont beh wh caus fust so +re aggr
prison lev fact linked 2 outcomes - SE instit aggr in pris
steiner; 512 US pris investig
inmate on inmate viol +re comm in pris where high proport staff wom, overcrowded, +re inmates in protective custody
these r pris lev fact bc indep of indiv charac of pris
reliably predict aggr beh
ao3 - res supp ; DE aggr prisons
camp/gaes; 561 male inmates w simi crim histories placed randomly half in low security/half high secuirty pris in california
w/n 2 yrs x signif differ (33%/36%)
conclud feat pris environ less import predict or aggr beh than charac of inmates
tf strong evid 4 importat bc random allocat inmates
ao3 - ign key fact; DE aggr prisons
dilulio; IM ign oth fact that influe prisoners beh ie way pris run
proposed administrative control model ACM wh states poorly manag pris +re like 2 have inmate viol
ie. weak leadership, few opport 4 educ
tf import inadequ expl bc instit fact +re import than inmate charac
ao3 - res supp; SE aggr prisons
cunningham et al; analysed 35 inmate homicides in texas pris b/w 2000-2008
many homicides followed fr arg b/w cell mates where ‘boundaries’ crossed, partic abo drugs, sexual act
tf supp mod validity
ao3 - contradictory res; SE aggr prisons
mod predicts that lack of heterosexual contact shou lead 2 high lev aggr beh in pris
how hensley et al stud 256 male/fem inmates in 2 pris that allow conjugal visits
no link b/w involv of visits and reduc aggr beh
tf sugg situat fact x aff pris viol
excssive tv viewing - media influe
watching too much tv may lead 2 aggr
robertson et al; meas tv view. of 1000 new zealanders upto age 26yrs at reg interv
fou time watching tv was reliable predictor of aggr beh in early adulth
excessive tv assoc w reduc social interact/poor educ achieve
link b/w 2 may be indirect ex aggr due to reduc social interact
violent film content - media influe
most signif media influe on aggr beh
bandura et al; replicat earlier study w child watching film of bobo doll instead
childr imitat aggr beh of mod so outcome simi
social learning proc operate thru media too
TV/film eff not strong - media influe
paik/comstock; meta analy of 200 stud
fou +ve correl b/w tv and antisoc beh
how. tv only account 4 b/w 1-10% variance in aggr beh
tv has minor role compar 2 oth sources
computer games - media influe
cgs may have powerf eff bc pers has active role and game is rewarding
lab experi show c + e b have ethical issues as esposes peop 2 viol/aggr
TCRTT, anderson; fou peop who play vio game chose high vol white noise compar 2 those who didnt
sev meas aggr +vely correlat w time spent playing viol games
delisi et al; link so well establish aggr shou be health issue
ao3 - defining aggr; media influe
aggr defined in various ways
ex dep variab in many studies inclu vol of white noise blasted, crim convict or viol beh
viol/aggr x same beh, all viol is aggr b x all aggr is viol
tf variation in definit means findings hard 2 compare
ao3 - counterpoint to defining aggr; media influe
anderson et al confucted meta analy of 136 stud defining aggr diff ways
fou comp games incr in all outcomes aggr in both men/wom
higher qual stud show great signif eff
tf meta analy that inclu various aggr defin r valid meth
ao3 - unsupp concl; media influe
many res stud methodolog weak ie. confou variab
if poor qual study inclu in meta analy, analy also poor qual
many stud r correl so c+e concl unjustif
experim stud lack ext validity so cx be generalised
tf some research guilty of drawing premature concl on findings that lack validity
ao3 - explaining research findings; media influe
findings can be explained by SLT
anderson et al note expos viol at home harmful 2 childr as like 2 imitate aggr beh seen as rewarded esp wh they identify w charac
tv/comp games r oth sources of SL
tf key ft of science having unifying expla to account 4 findings, enhancing validity of res
role of desensitisation
when witness viol actions we experi physiological arousal assoc w sympath nerv sys ex incr heart rate
when childr repeatedly view aggr on tv/comp games they beco used to its eff so stim has lesser impact and anxiety decr
weisz/earls lab study; show ppts straw dogs film w graphic prolong rape scene then watch. re-enact rape trial
male view straw dogs show great. accept of rape myths/s aggr
express less sympth tow vict
x eff on fem ppts
role of disinhibition
being exposed continuosly to viol media means usual restraints learned by SLT are loosened
aggr beh appears normative/socially sanctioned esp if minimise eff viol on vict and sugg aggr justified
video games show viol rewarded/conseq minimised/ign
creates new social norms in viewer
role of cog priming
repeat. view. of aggr media can prov us w ‘script’ abo how viol situ may ‘play out’
huesmann; script stored in memory so beco ‘ready’ 2 be aggr
process mostly automatic, sccript trigg w cues
fischer/greitemeyer; invesitg song lyrics
men listen. 2 aggr derogatory lyrics abo wom comap w wh listen 2 neutral
fou aggr music men recall -ve qual abo wom/beh +re aggr towards wom confed
study replic w wom/fou simi results
ao3 = res supp; desensitisation
krahe et al; show ppts viol films while meas physiolog arousal using skin concordance
ppts who habitual viewers viol media, low lev arousal/gave louder burst white noise 2 confed w/o provok
tf this low arous to viol media users reflect desensitisation to eff of viol linked to great. willingness 2 be aggr
ao3 - alternative expla ; desensitiation
desens cx expla some aggr
krahe et al study fail. to link media viewing, low. arous and provok aggr
catharsis +re valid expla
theory sugg view viol media is safety valve wh releases aggr w/o viol beh
tf x all agg is res desens/alternt expl +re valid
ao3 - res supp; disinhibition
berkowitz/alioto; fou ppts saw film depicting aggr as vengenance
and gave +re false shocks 4 longer, media viol disinhib aggr if present as justified
tf demostr link b/w remov social constraints/subseq aggr beh
ao3 - cartoon viol; disinhib
in cart childr learn aggr acceptab esp if cart mod x punish
tf disinhib beh expl how cart aggr can lead 2 aggr in those who observe
ao3 - real world applic; cog priming
bushman/anderson; arg some1 who watches viol med accesses stored aggr scripts +re readily so interprets cues aggr/resort 2 viol w/o consid alternat
tf sugg intervent cou pot reduce aggr by challeng hostile cog biases
ao3 - confounding variables’ cog priming
cv w vid g, viol v g +re complex than non viol
zendle et al; fou when complex contr, prim eff of viol g disappear
tf supp find stud into priming may be partly due 2 cv