Social Influence Flashcards
Complying with the orders of an authority figure
Authority figure
Someone with more power and control than another
Matching the behaviour and beliefs of others in order to fit in
Normative social influence
Compliance because of a need to fit in
Going along with the majority because we do not know how to behave in a situation- we conform by adopting their beliefs and behaviours
Informational social influences
When we do not know how to behave- others provide the information so we conform by adopting their beliefs
Temporarily adopting the behaviours of a role model or group
Loss of personal-self awareness and responsibility as a result of being in a group
Bystander effect
When we fail to help another in need
Situational factors
Features of a situation that influence whether or not we intervene in an emergency
Personality factors
Features of an individual (e.g. traits) that influence how likely they are to intervene in an emergency
Pluralistic ignorance
When we interpret the situation according to others’ reaction
A researcher or other person who is acting in a study but does not know what the study is about
Locus of control
The extent to which we believe we have control over our behaviour/life
Internal locus of control
When we feel we have personal control over our own behaviour
External locus of control
When we feel that factors external to us control our behaviour
Blind obedience
When we comply with orders of an authority
Anti- Semitic
Negative attitudes, prejudice and discrimination against Jews
Momentum of compliance
When we start something we feel compelled to finish it
Authoritarian personality
A type of personality that is respectful of authority and rigid if beliefs
F- scale
A questionnaire designed to test authoritarian personalities and traits
Prosocial behaviour
Behaviour that is seen as helpful, kind, co-operative and peaceful
Antisocial behaviour
Behaviour that is seen as unhelpful, aggressive and destructive
A group of people in a community
Social issue
A social problem in a community of people
A set of traditions, beliefs and values shared by a group of people
Individualistic culture
A culture that emphasises, independence, autonomy and individuality
Collectivist culture
A culture that emphasises group membership, interdependence and cooperation