Social Influence - 01 Types/Explanations of Conformity & Asch Flashcards
What is social influence?
The process by which an individual’s attitudes, beliefs and behaviours are modified by the presence or actions of others
What is conformity?
A change in behaviour or belief as a result of real or imagined group pressure. Larger groups influencing an individual or a smaller group
What is compliance?
-refers to instances where a person may agree in public with a group of people but the person actually privately disagrees with the group’s viewpoint or behaviour
-public conformity only
Behaviour/opinions stop as soon as group pressure stops
What is identification?
-given a new social role
-we conform to the opinions/behaviour of the group because we value it and want to be part of it
-conform to the expectations of a social role
-publicly and privately change out opinions/behaviour to fit with a social role but it is only temporary
What is internalisation?
-refers to instances where a person behaves or agrees with a group of people because they have actually accepted the group’s point of view or beliefs
-Does result in change in the persons private beliefs and attitudes in the long term
-true change in public and private
What are the two main reasons why people conform?
What is NSI?
Normative social influence
-based on our desire to be liked and we conform because we think that others will approve of and accept us
-results in compliance
What is ISI?
Informational social influence
- based on our desire to be right
-we look to others, who we believe to be correct, to give us information about how to behave, especially in new or ambiguous situations
-results in internalisation
Research support for NSI-Linkenbach & Perkins (2003)
-found that teenagers exposed to the message that the majority of their age peers did not smoke were less likely to take up smoking
-can help to change negative behaviours in teens and so have important real-life application
Research support for NSI-Schultz (2008)
-found that hotel guests exposed to the message that 75% of guests reused their towel each day reduced their own towel use by 25%
-can be used to manipulate people to behave more responsibly when it comes to energy conservation so have important real-life applications
Research support for ISI-Lucas et al (2006)
-asked students to give answers to maths q’s that were easy or more difficult, there was greater conformity to incorrect answers when they were difficult, this was most true for those who rated their maths ability as poor
-shows supporting evidence and therefore increases the validity as this as an explanation of why we conform
Research support for ISI-Fein et al (2007)
-judgements of candidate performance in US presidential debate influenced by knowledge of others, p’s saw reaction of their fellow p’s on screen during the debate. Produced large shift in p’s judgements of candidate performance
-Possible real-life application to elections. stop the manipulation of others, avoid commentary after a presidential debate
Evaluation of NSI (individual differences)
-NSI does not influence everybody in same way so there are individual differences
- People less concerned about being liked are less affected by NSI than those who do care. McGhee & Teevan (1967) students high in need of affiliation more likely to conform
-Weakness as it cannot be generalised to all people equally
Evaluation of NSI & ISI (they work together)
-Deutsch & Gerrard’s ‘two-process’ approach = behaviour either due to ISI or NSI but in most cases it is BOTH processes
-Problem as it isn’t always possible to be sure whether ISI or NSI is at work, especially true in real life conformity situations.
What kind of experiment was Asch’s study?
Lab experiment