Social exchange theory Flashcards
What does SET predict
We stay only so long as this relationship is more rewarding than the alternatives
Who proposed SET
Thibault and Kelley
Rewards, costs and profits
Minimax principle
- Maximise rewards (love, companionship, pleasure)
- Minimise costs (time, stress)
- a relationship is profitable if the rewards exceed the costs
Borrowed concepts from economics and from SKinner’s theory of operant conditioning
Money, time, emotional costs produced by loss, betrayal and jealousy
Anything that makes us feel valued; money, status, attention
Outcome = rewards - costs
Comparison level
The amount of reward you believe you deserve to get from the relationship, influenced by previous experience and social norms
- Link with self esteem
Comparison level of alternatives
Whether someone can get greater outcome in another relationship
The CLalt we adopt will depend on the state of our current relationship
Stages of relationship development
Sampling, bargaining, commitment, institutional
Experiment with rewards and costs in our relationships
We negotiate rewards and costs at the start of a relationship
Rewards increase and costs lesson so the relationship stabilises
Normative rewards and costs are well established