Social Development: Early Childhood Flashcards
What domains of development are rapid and clearly observable in early childhood?
Physical development: fine motor skills
Cognitive development: Acquisition of language
Psychosocial development: Increasing social interactions, the importance of play
What is psychosocial development?
The development of the personality, and the acquisition of social attitudes skills, from infancy through maturity.
In parenting styles, what are the two dimensions?
The extent to which parents are supportive, sensitive to their children’s needs, and willing to provide affection and praise when their children meet expectations.
How much control over decisions lies with the parent rather than the child
What is an authoritarian parent, the dimensional axis and what qualities?
They are high in demandingness-control and low in acceptance-responsiveness.
No praise, quick to correct behaviour rather than praise-loss of warmth and reception. Very strict and rely on power-tactics.
What is an authoritative parent, the dimensional axis and qualities?
High in demandingness-control and high in acceptance-responsiveness.
Limits, boundaries, and expectations are clear to the child but are aware of their child’s needs, warmth, praise and affection. They set clear goals and provide a rationale for them.
What is an uninvolved parent, what dimensional axis and what qualities?
Low in acceptance-responsiveness, low in demandingness-control.
More interested in other things and not with the child. May be overwhelmed by their own problems that they cannot devote sufficient energy to express love and setting, and enforcing, rules. May reject children.
What is a permissive parent, what dimensional axis and what qualities?
Low in demandingness-control and high in acceptance-responsiveness.
They have a hard time following through and setting limits to the child’s behaviour. The child is in control rather than the parent. They give a lot of warmth, and affection, and consider the child’s needs, they are not completely detached.
What are the outcomes of children with authoritative parents?
Cheerful, socially responsible, self-reliant, achievement orientated, and cooperative with adults and peers. Do better academically and have better psychosocial development.
What are the outcomes of children with authoritarian parents?
Tend to be moody and seemingly unhappy, easily annoyed, relatively aimless, and unpleasant to be around. they are more anxious, withdraw and have lower self-esteem.
What are the outcomes of children with permissive parents?
They are often impulsive, aggressive, self-centred, rebellious, aimless, and low in independence and achievement.
What are the outcomes of children with uninvolved parents?
They display behavioural problems such as aggression and frequent temper tantrums as early as 3. They become hostile and antisocial adolescents who abuse substances and engage in rule-breaking behaviour.
What are some factors that might influence parenting styles?
Intergenerational patterns.
Specific circumstances
Birth order
No. of Children
Changes and stresses in families
Temperament of child
Parenting styles are a spectrum rather than categories
Inconsistencies between parents can lead to confusion
What are the two dimensions that are involved with sibling relationships?
Conflict and closeness manifested as:
Sibling rivalry - the spirit of competition, jealousy, and resentment between brothers and sisters
Siblings may be motivated to compete with each other for their parent’s time and resources
Sibling conflict is most often about possessions (e.g. toys, clothes, shared electronics)
What are the important functions of sibling relationships?
They provide emotional support
Older siblings often provide caregiving services for younger siblings
Older siblings serve as teachers
Siblings provide a social experience
What are the outcomes of children with no siblings? what does the research say?
They are usually stereotyped as self-centred and spoilt. Research suggests that they are higher in:
Positive personality
Achievement motivation
Academic success