Social Determinants of Health Flashcards
Social Determinants of health
The conditions in which people are born, grow, live, work and age.
Health Inequities
The unfair and avoidable differences in health status seen within and between countries.
fairness and justice
same to all
Socio-economic conditions that shape the health of individuals, communities, & populations.
Do Canadians possess the resources to identify & achieve personal aspirations, satisfy needs, & cope with their environment.
Income, poverty, income distribution
Education, literacy
Housing, Neighbourhoods
Food security
Water & Sanitation
Access to health-care
Social support
Social safety network
Unemployment & job security
Employment & working conditions
Early childhood development
Social cohesion, Community participation, Social inclusion
Exposure to crime, violence, social disorder
Social norms: discrimination, racism, distrust of government
Environmental conditions
Indigenous status
Public Safety
Circumstances are shaped by larger forces:
Politics, Economics, Social Policies
Most important SDH
Overall living conditions, psychological functioning, health-related lifestyle behaviours, food security, housing…
Also income distribution, wealth inequality
Most important in societies providing fewer important services to all people as a right
Material & social deprivation – basic necessities for health (food, clothing, housing), social exclusion
Income, sense of identity, structure to everyday life
material & social deprivation, psychological stress, lowered self-esteem, health-threatening coping behaviours, depression, anxiety
Canada performs well, but disparities exist
Correlates with income, job security, working conditions
More opportunities if life situation suddenly changes
Increased literacy & understanding of how one can promote one’s own health, more sophisticated skills to evaluate information
Working conditions
Large amount of time spent at work
Employment security, physical conditions, work stress, hours, autonomy, opportunities for development, demands vs. rewards, lack of control
Early childhood development
Strong immediate & future biological, psychological & social effects on health
Conditions of material & social deprivation, cumulative effects re: adverse health & developmental outcomes
Learned helplessness = inefficacy
% of Canadian children living in poverty?
Access to child care
Food insecurity
A basic human need
Inability to have an adequate diet – quantity or quality
Fewer servings of fruits & vegetables, fewer milk products, fewer vitamins
% of Canadian households experiencing food insecurity?
More common in households with children, more common for single mothers
A basic necessity for living a healthy life
Unsafe, unaffordable, insecure housing leads to increased health risks
Governments responsible to provide citizens with pre-requisites for health
Overcrowding, poor heating, ventilation, clean water & sanitation, identity, stress
Canadian rent prices have increased, especially in the big cities:
Social Exclusion
Denial of opportunity to participate in Canadian life
Indigenous peoples, non-white, recent immigrants, women, people with disabilities especially at risk
Limited access to social, cultural, & economic resources powerlessness, hopelessness, depression
Participation in civil affairs, access to social goods, participation & contribution to social & cultural activities, access to economic resources & opportunities
Canada Health Act: 5 principles
Public Administration, Comprehensiveness, Universality, Portability, Accessibility
Canadian women experience more adverse SDHs than men – WHY?
Responsibilities for raising children, taking care of the home, less likely to work full-time, lower paying occupations
On average, women earn less than men regardless of occupation
Lack of affordable high-quality daycare
Chronic stress Physiological strain on body, disrupts body systems, weakens resistance to disease.
feelings of shame, insecurity, worthlessness, anxiety, hopelessness, exhaustion adoption of unhealthy coping behaviours
Health follows a social gradient
The poorest of the poor, around the world, have the worst health.
Within countries, in general the lower an individual’s socioeconomic position, the worse their health.
Social gradient in health runs from top to bottom of the socioeconomic spectrum.
Seen in low, middle & high income countries. The social gradient in health means health inequities affect everyone.