Social & Cultural Development 1920s Flashcards
How many lived in towns and cities?
more that half of the population
What was the ‘Roaring Twenties’?
a growth of entertainment
a time of riotous fun
loud music
wild enjoyment
How much did the average working week drop by?
47.4 to 44.2 hours
meant more leisure time
How much did wages rose by?
meant more disposable income
What rapidly developed?
- a cultural style recognisable across the western world
- a struggle between the American way of life and the newer forces of modernity
What was the radio?
- everyone listened to it
- most households owned one
- could purchase one in instalments
- not everyone could read
- companies paid to advertise their products
How many people owned a radio?
50 million
What was jazz music?
- radios gave greater access to music
- an obsession among young people
- brought by African Americans
- captured imagination of young whites
- known as the ‘Jazz Age’
- corruption influence on youth
What was sport?
- baseball became a big money sport
- legendary teams
- boxing was popular
What were legendary teams?
New York yankees
Boston red sox
Who was a famous baseball fan?
Al Capone
Who was a world heavyweight champion?
Jack Dempsy
What was the cinema?
- influenced people in fashion and behaviour
- hollywood
- all movies were silent until 1927 - first ‘talkie’ made
- became a multi billion dollar business
- new stars
What were the types of entertainment?
radio jazz music sport cinema the car
What was Hollywood?
a major film industry
all year sunshine meant they could make a large number of movies
How many cinema tickets were sold each week?
100 million (how many are sold in Britain in a year today)
Who were the new movie stars?
Charlie Chaplin
Buster Keaton
What was the car?
- major factor leading to change
- made all of these other features possible
- helped cities grow by opening the suburbs
- carried owners to entertainments
What could they travel to with the car?
sports beach holidays shopping centres picnics family & friends