Social control Flashcards
Social control
Refers to the idea that peoples thoughts and behaviours are regualted by society
Informal control
Conformity to n + v of society. Adoption of a belief system learnt through the process of socialisation, enforced by society
Formal control
Produced and informed by government. The state enforces laws and police / other agencies
Positive informal sanctions
Rewards - spontaneous display of approval
eg: gifts from family / praising
Negative informal sanctions
Punishments - spontaneous display or approval
eg: detention / smack on the head
Formal positive sanctions
Rewards - formalised public rewards and approval
eg: promotion / qualification / parole
Negative formal sanctions
Punishments - institutionalised punishment or disapproval
eg: prison / excluded / arrested / fine
Functionalist view of social control
- Durkheim
- Consenus = agreement
- Shared value system
- Manners, modesty
Marxist view of social control
- Bowles and Gintiss
- Owners VS workers
- Become members of working class
- Uniform, teacher
Interactionalist view of social control
- How families / co workers interact
- Actively (not a passenger)
- Don’t learn roles society has set out