Social Cognitive Theory Flashcards
Social Cognitive Theory Definition
Suggests that people learn new behaviors through observing others, imitating those behaviors and then being reinforced by the outcomes of that (attention is gets or doesn’t get and are brains are hardwired to do that)
Why is social cognitive theory important in health behavior change?
Caring attention for behavior reinforces behaviors and acknowledging these behaviors makes them seen more; Example: Eating disorder because first they are told how good they look and then it goes too far
The main constructs of SCT are individual, environment, and behavior. How are they related?
Reciprocal relationship between the three main constructs that are central to the social cognitive theory; Relationship among individuals cognitions, their behaviors, and their environment and their effects on each other; Never operate independently
Can you give examples within those constructs or SCT?
The social cognitive theory overlaps with the individual behavior models we covered in class. Describe ways in which this is true.
How do we increase self-efficacy?
Psychological State, Verbal Persuasion, Vicarious Experience, Inactive Detainment
How do we increase self-efficacy? (SCT)
Psychological State, Verbal Persuasion, Vicarious Experience, Inactive Detainment
Physiological State (Increasing SE, SCT)
If you are working with someone who is trying something new and you have it all set but it is a day that you can see that just the fact they are there is a win (bc they are tired/distracted) then it should not be the day to try something new because their SE towards that is going to be lower and they will have a negative attitude/experience
Verbal Persuasion (Increasing SE, SCT)
Endorsing one’s ability to do something; Trust is number one thing to establish with a patient; Do not lie and tell someone they can do it if you don’t think that they can, its important if they value your opinion
Verbal Persuasion Example (Increasing SE, SCT)
If you are working with a student in an academic setting, remind them that you have worked with a lot of students, you have seen what they put together and it looks good, follow that with evidence as to why
Vicarious Experience (Increasing SE, SCT)
Watching someone else do it which is most effective if you identify with them; Know someone like you that can do something that you never imagined that they or you could do; Have stories with permission to give others experience to give the individual more confidence in their own abilities (Most effective)
Vicarious Experience (Increasing SE, SCT)
Power of peer not trainer when you see someone like you working out in new and different ways; Not like a 40yr old mom that sees instagram fitness; You are the before and they are the after that you also could be
Inactive Detainment (Increasing SE, SCT)
Step by step/Piece by piece; One’s experience, Success (Higher SE)/Failure (Lower SE); You can manipulate their experience by contextualizing it by normalizing failure as part of the process (If they know it happens to others when they try it is a different experience)
Reciprocal Triadic Determinism (SCT)
Knowledge (SCT)
Can either be about outcomes of the behavior or the risks of the behavior or knowledge about something; Important to understand that knowledge is a precondition/gateway but it is almost never sufficient for a behavior change (Necessity but it is not what is holding someone back); Content Knowledge: Advantages or drawbacks of the behavior/ Procedural Knowledge: How to engage in the behavior