explanation 1
Women reproduce the next generation of workers and socialise them
Women reproduce the next generation of workers and socialise them
Women reproduce the next generation of workers and socialise them (feeley)
- The family teaches children to submit to parental authority which is seen to be patriarchal
- Women are socialised into accepting their subordinate positions
- Women emerge from family life preconditioned to accept their place in the capitalist hierarchy
- family is designed to teach passivity not rebellion and children are trained to be obedient and docile workers
- ocialises family members to accept traditional roles and the false idea that it is natural for them to take responsibilities for different roles
- This means that they become unquestioning
- Therefore the ideology of the family in a capitalist society supports patriarchy as it promoted passivity and conformity
explanation 2
Women’s domestic work is unpaid
Women’s domestic work is unpaid
Women’s domestic work is unpaid (Benston)
- A wife keeps her husband in good running order by feeding and caring for him which is essential to the smooth running of capitalism
- The fact that a man must provide for his wife and children means that he is less likely to challenge capitalism
- The unpaid labour of women helps to support the capitalist system
- the capitalist system
- If women were paid a wage for their work, there would be a massive redistribution of wealth
- Benston is highly critical of the nuclear family and the woman’s role within it
Sees it as a stabilising force in capitalist societ
explanation 3
Women soothe the stresses and frustrations of the proletariat
Women soothe the stresses and frustrations of the proletariat
Women soothe the stresses and frustrations of the proletariat (Ansley)
- Women’s role within capitalism aids false class consciousness
- As a husband returns home from being exploited at work, they take their frustrations and anger out on their wives
- Therefore women absorb their husbands legitimate anger and frustration at their powerlessness and oppression in the workplace
- women are ‘takers of shit’ on capitalist societies
- If all workers have their own sponge, this will aid false class consciousness and discourage a revolution as men are venting their frustrations at their wives rather than their exploitative employers.
Explanation 4
Women’s roles also support the capitalist ideology
Women’s roles also support the capitalist ideology
Women’s roles also support the capitalist ideology (brugel)
- Women are a cheap reserve army of labour brought in the economic booms but then thrown out when they are not needed
- Due to the womens unpaid labour, they are flexible which would mean that they can help the capitalist society