Social Class and the Media Flashcards
What is no focused on regarding social classes in the media?
The tensions/class conflict which exists within society
What do Marxists argue happens through the representation of social class?
The media ensures the cultural hegemony of the dominant capitalist class which maintains inequality and exploitation
How are the upper class represented?
Mainly done through the coverage of the monarchy
Seen as well bred and cultured
Represented through their accents, estates and a taste for shooting and hunting
Often represented in costume and period drama
What did Nairn find about the monarchy?
The obsession with the royal family developed through the British society following WW2
Royal family can be deemed to be ‘like us’ but ‘not like us’ - the queen is seen as an ordinary working mother doing extraordinary things
The royal family represent British national identity and embody concepts of: niceness, decency and ordinariness
The queen reinforces this sense of identity which is why royal weddings/funerals are national events
What are the 3 ways the upper class are represented?
Neo-Marxists - mass media tend to celebrate hierarchy and wealth
UK media never portrays the upper class in a critical light
Usually portrayed in an eccentric or nostalgic way (Downton Abbey)
What did Reiner and Young argue about the representation?
The media tends to portray the UK a a meritocratic society in which intelligence, talent and hard work are rewarded
What do Neo-Marxists argue about the concept of meritocracy?
It is a myth as wealth rather than ability opens the doors and access to Oxbridge and top jobs, and the media reflects this
What does Newman argue?
The media dedicates a great deal of their content to examining the lives of the celebrity section of the wealthy elite
This invites audiences to admire the achievements of these celebrities
The media over focuses on consumer items (holidays, cars)
There are magazines dedicated to the lives of the elite: horse and hound, country life
What does Newman argue the media rarely focuses on?
The lives of ordinary people
How are the middle class presented?
As educated and successful
Able to cope with problems
Fits in with the hegemonic ideology of the dominant class in society
What does the middle class representation justify?
The existing class structure and inequalities suggesting people need to become more competent and successful in order to cope with life
How are the working class presented?
In the stereotypical context of traditional working class communities - Eastenders In the context of trouble, undesirable welfare scroungers, unable to cope with their delinquent children
What does Newman argue about the representation of the working class?
There are every few situation comedies, television or drama which focuses on the everyday lives of working class who constitute a significant section of society When the working class are depicted in the media, it is often in a negative light as dumb buffoons (Homer Simpson) or immature macho exhibitionists (Phil Mitchell)
How are the working class presented according to Butsch?
Portrayed as flawed individuals (benefit street), especially compared to middle class people
Name an example of the working class being represented in a positive ligh
Billy Elliot - represent the working class in a more dignified and sensitive way
What does Curran and Seaton say about the representation of the working class?
Newspapers aimed at the working class make the assumption that they are uninterested in serious analysis of either the political or social organisation
What do Marxists say about the representation of the working class?
The content of newpapers such as The Sun and the Daily Start is an attempt to distract working class audiences from the inequalities of capitalism
How are the underclass portrayed?
The portrayal is usually negative and stereotypical
In the form of statistics in news bulletins - figures of unemployment
Labelling the poor - Chavs
What do Shildrick and MacDonald suggest?
The poor are undeserving of sympathy?
What do Hayward and Yar say?
The term chav is used as an amusing term of abuse for young poor people
What does Lawler argue?
Chav is used as a term of disgust and contempt The media use the discriminatory and offensive language to depict the underclass symbolised by stereotypical forms of appearance (tracksuits)
What do newspapers suggest about the underclass?
They are responsible for their own poverty
What does McKendrick et al say about poverty?
Poverty is under explored in the media
Programmes, such as shameless, present a sanitised picture of poverty
Jeremy Kyle paints a picture of poverty which is seen as entertainment
What does Cohen say about the representation of the poor?
The UK mass media are so concerned about ‘trumpeting the food fortune’ of British capitalism that it pays less attention to its ‘casualties’
When it does, the media often enjoy the suffering of the poor (Benefit Street)
The poor are portrayed as parasites, scrounging off the middle class, to be ridiculed