Social Class and Crime Flashcards
What is white collar crime?
Sutherland defined WCC crime as ‘a crime committed by a person of respectability and high social status in the course of their occupation’.
What is occupation crime?
Crime committed at the expense of the organisation, e.g. employees stealing money from their employers.
What is corporate crime?
Crime committed by and organsation for its own benefit in the knowledge of those who run it. These crimes are committed in the pursuit of profit.
Why are m/c crime not in OCS?
Police expectations, selective enforcement, cultural capital, difficult to detect, manipulate police with their knowledge of the system and not labelled as ‘troubelmakers’
Why are the w/c criminal according to Merton?
W/c don’t have the legitimate means to achieve the American Dream. So they turn to crime to achieve their goals.
Why do the w/c commit crime according to Functionalists?
A.Cohen - w/c siffer status fustration so join subcultures- lead to criminality.
Miller - w/c hold focal concerns which lead to criminality.
Cloward and Ohlin - subcultures develop in w/c neighbourhood where there are few legitimate opportunites to succeed.
Why do the w/c commit crime according to Right Realists?
Murray - the underclass are unable to socialise their children properly so they become delinquent.
Why do the w/c commit crime according to Marxists?
Capitalism is crimongenic. W/c break the law because they are exploited which makes them poor - crime only means of surviving. Capitalism through advertising promote consumer goods - crime only way to get this - utilitarian crimes. Alienation and lack of ctonrol over their lives may lead to fustration - commit non-utilitarian crimes. Police use selective enforcement - w/c get arrested.
Why do the w/c commit crime according to New Criminology?
Taylor, Walton and Young - w/c choose to break the law as a pro-revolutionary action against the r/c. Modern Robinhoods.
Why do the w/c commit crime according to Interactionists?
W/c appear in OCS as they are more likely to be labelled as criminal, not because they are actually more criminal - police sterotyping.
Why do the w/c commit crime according to Left Realists?
Lea and Young - w/c are more likely to be relatively depreived and marginalised and so join subcultures which lead to criminality.
Why do the m/c commit crime according to Box?
Uses Merton’s strain theory - when people in white collar corporations find their route to a promotion or pay rise blocked, they innovate - turn to crime to achieve their goal. They may feel relatively deprived in relation to those better off than they are.
Why do corporations commit crim according to Box?
When a corporation’s profits are down they many engage in illegal means to increase profits thus they innovate to achieve profit goals.
Why do corporations commit crime according to Miller?
Many corportations such as financial trading institutions have a subculture which emphasises the pursuit of wealth and profit. This enterprise culture encourages risk taking. For some, these m/c focal concerns can lead to crime, e.g. among stock brokers.
Why do the m/c commit crime according to Katz and Lyng?
Edgework - thrill-seeking and risk-taking may lead m/c into crime.