Social change Flashcards
What is social change?
It occurs when whole societies, rather than just individuals, adopt new attitudes, beliefs and ways of doing things
Does minority or majority influence create social change?
Is social change sudden or gradual?
What are the conditions for social change for minority influence?
Drawing attention to the issue
Deeper processing
The augmentation principle
The snowball effect
Social cryptomnesia
What effect do dissenters have on social change?
Dissenters make social change move likely. Evidence - Asch’s research. One confederate gave correct answers. This broke majority power encourages others to dissent. Demonstrates potential for social change.
What effect does majority influence and normative social influence (NSI) have on social change?
Campaigners exploit conformity by appealing to NSI
- Research support for the role of NSI in bringing about social change. They provide information
about what others are doing eg reducing litter by printing normative message on bins(bin it-others do) social change by drawing attention to the majority’s behaviour.
What is social cryptomesia
refers to people having a memory that a change occurred by don’t remember how it happened. (People forget how social changed occurred).
Evaluation: Weaknesses of Social Change
It has been argued by Nemeth (1986) that minority influence is only indirectly effective in bringing about social change. E.g. it’s taken decades for attitudes against drink-driving & smoking to shift. Social change occurs SLOWLY.