Social Behaviour 3.6 Flashcards
What behaviours do animals that live in social groups have that are adapted to group living?
Many animals live in social groups and have behaviours that are adapted to
group living such as social hierarchy, cooperative hunting and social defence.
What is social hierarchy?
Social hierarchy is a rank order within a group of animals consisting of a dominant
and subordinate members.
In a social hierarchy, what kind of behaviours do dominant and subordinate animals carry out?
In a social hierarchy, dominant individuals carry out ritualistic (threat) displays whilst subordinate animals carry out appeasement behaviour to reduce conflict.
What do social hierarchies increase the chances of?
Social hierarchies increase the chances of the dominant animal’s favourable genes
being passed on to offspring.
Why do animals form alliances in social hierarchies?
Animals often form alliances in social hierarchies to increase their social status within the
Why may co-operative hunting benefit subordinate animals as well as dominant ones?
Co-operative hunting may benefit subordinate animals as well as dominant ones, as they may gain more food than by
foraging alone. Less energy is used per individual.
What does co-operative hunting enable?
Co-operative hunting enables larger prey to be caught and increases the chance of success.