Social Assistance Payments (non-contributory) Flashcards
What are social assistance payments?
2 points
Payments paid to individuals who have insufficient PRSI contributions
Means tested
List the social assistance payments available to those who have insufficient PRSI contributions
State Pension (non-contributory)
Widow’s/widower’s or surviving civil partner’s pension (non-contributory)
Jobseeker’s allowance
Family Income Supplement/Working Family Payment
Supplementary Welfare Allowance
One-parent Family Payment
What is the non-contributory state pension?
A weekly payment paid to individuals over the age of 66 who do not qualify for the contributory state pension
What is the non-contributory widow’s/widower’s or surviving civil partner’s pension?
A week payment to the husband, wife or civil partner of a deceased person who does not qualify for the contributory State Pension and has no children
What is the jobseekers’s allowance?
A weekly payment to those who do not qualify for, or who have used up their entitlement for jobseeker’s benefit
What is the Family Income Supplement/Working Family Payment?
(2 points)
A weekly, tax free payment available to low income working families with children
Families receive 60% of the difference between their actual weekly income and the income limit that applies to their family size
How does one qualify for the Family Income Supplement/Working Family Payment?
(3 points)
They must be working for at least 19 hours per week
They must have at least one dependent child
They must have an income that falls below a certain limit for their family’s size
What is the Supplementary Welfare Allowance?
2 points
A temporary, tax free, weekly payment made by the Department of Social Protection to individuals whose means don’t meet their or their dependent’s needs
It is means tested
How does one qualify for the Supplementary Welfare Allowance?
(3 points)
Satisfy a means test, e.g. be earning no income or be earning a weekly income below the Supplementary Welfare Allowance rate for the family size
Be waiting on social welfare payments that have yet to be processed
If they are not working they must be registered for work with their local intreo office
What is the One-Parent Family Payment?
A weekly payment paid to men and women who are bringing up children without the support of a partner
How does one qualify for the one-parent family parent?
4 points
They must be under 66 years of age
They must not be living with a spouse, civil partner or co-habiting
They must be the main carer of at least one child who lives with them
They must earn 425 euro or less per week