Social and Behavioral Sciences Flashcards
a gradual process through which an individual adopts the behavioral norms, attitudes, and beliefs of a culture other than his own.
closely following or sticking to a plan or protocol. individuals taking their medications as prescribed, following program protocols.
asset mapping
community capacity assessment and community development that involves conduction an inventory of an individual, group and community resources, often physically designating them on a geographical map. A capatity assessment offers an alternative to a needs-based approach to community health and is a measure of actual and potential individual, group and community resources that can be inherent and/or brought ot bear for health maintenance and enhancement
behavioral capability
an individual’s knowledge and skills related to a specific health behavior. In order for an individual to engage in a a particular behavior, that individual must first know what the behavior is and how to successfully perform it. Behavioral capability is a key construct of the social cognitive theory
behavioral factors
the patterns of behavior of individuals and groups that protect or put them at risk for a given health or social problem
behavioral intention
a mental state in which the individual expect to take a specified action at some time in the future
behavioral objective
a statement of desired outcome that indicates who is to demonstrate how much of what action and by when
behavioral risk
a typically modifiable behavior, like smoking or lack of physical activity, which puts an individual at risk for a negative outcome.
best practices
recommendations for an intervention based on a critical review of multiple research and evalutation studies that substantiate the efficacy of the interventionin the populations and cirucmstances in whichthe studies were done, if not its effectiveness in other poupljuations and situations where it might be implements
change agent
in the context of diffusion of innovations, a change agent is an individual who influences a clients’ innovation-decisions in a direction deemed desirable by a change agency. Develop a perceived need for change, facilitate information-exchange, identify a client’s intentions to change, motivate the movement from intentions to action, support long-term adoption of the change, and help the client acieve self-reliance
a group of organizations or representatives of groups within a community joined to pursue a common objective
communication theories
meant to describe how communication processes impact health behavior change and how communication strategies can be used strategically to motivate behavior change.
knowledge gap
refers to the fact that individuals with more formal education tend to be more knowledgeable about man issues when compared to those with less formal education. An increasing flow of info into a social system is more likely to benefit groups of high ses than those of lower ses thereby contributing to health disparities and inequities
agenda setting
ability of the mass media to influence public opinion and priorities in relation to politics and policymakeing
cultivation studies
investigate the impact the mass media have on our perceptions of reality