Thomas Hobbes
Life is nasty, brutish and short
John Locke
Father of liberalism - classical liberalism
Right to property
religious tolerance
Jean-Jacques Rrousseau
‘Man is born free yet everywhere is in chains’
state of nature is generous and loving, society corrupts people
children should be raised without intervention by the state
Separation of church and state
separation of powers
invisible hand
forces which move the free market economy through individual self interest and freedom of prroduction
Adam Smith
Father of economics
The Wealth of Nations - book on free market
Laissez faire economics
invisible hand
John Stuart Mill
The greatest good for the greatest number (utilitarianism)
harm principle
morality which advocates for the happiness and pleasure of all
aiming for the betterment of society as a whole
harm principle
if your actions do not harm others you are free to do whatever you want.
Mary Woolstencroft
opposed place of women in society
initially hopeful of the french revolution but became disillusioned
Flora Tristan
rejected womens legal and social marginalization
especially women of the working class
worked with early socialists
Olympe de Gouges
Questioned the motivations of the french revolutionaries
died at guillotine
A declaration of the rights of women and the female citizen
Edmund Burke
Classical conservatism
property is important
thought french revolution is bad
american revolution is good
given rights to vote
The Franchise
right to vote in public elections or referendums
price system
laissez faire ecconomics
no government involvement in economy -free market
power in individuals with great amounts of capability and achievement
classical conservatism
traditional moral principles
advocate for an elite to rule society due to classical liberalism
laissez faire
let go economics, no government involvement