social 12- chapter 2 Flashcards
What other parts of the world influenced US government?
French, Dutch, Spanish, Swedes, English, Romans
English brought what 3 forms of government?
ordered, limited, and representative
Ordered Government
orderly regulation of their relationships with one another
Limited Government
the idea that government is restricted in what it may do, and every individual has certain rights that the government can’t take away
Representative Government
Idea that government should serve the will of the people.
Magna Carta
King John… the great charter. included guarentees of such fundamental rights as trial by jury and due process of law. Linited the monarchy’s power.
Petition of Right
Charles I…. limited the kings power. demanded that the king no longer imprison or otherwise punish any person but by judgement by peers or law of land. also insisted that the king may not impose martial law, or military rule.
English Bill of Rights
James II… William and Mary… Glorious Revolution… prohibited a standing army in peacetime. except with the consent of parliament, and required that all parliamentary elections be free.
Due Process
protection against the arbitrary taking of life, liberty, or property.
First English Colony and Settlement? Last?
First: Colony: Virginia Settlement: Jamestown
Last: Colony: Georgia Settlement: Savannah
a written grant of authority from the king
Royal Colonies
(majority) were subject to the direct control of the crown.
two house legisature
Proprietary Colonies
,king gives someone land and they are in charge of that land (maryland, pennsylvania, and delaware)
consists of only one house