Social Flashcards
What are the 7 Understandings of Nation?
1: Ethnic Background and ancestry
2: Cultural Values and Beliefs
3: History
4: Language(s)
5: Religious or Spiritual Beliefs
6: Geography
7: Politics and Citizenship
something in the feelings and mind of people or to an internal connection to others
Shared sense of belonging of people who identify themselves as a nation
Someone with patriotic feelings or principals
A territory with internationally recognized boundaries and a politically organized body of people under a sovereign
a supreme ruler, especially a monarch.
devotion to and vigorous support for one’s country
What is the Melting Pot?
a MELTING POT of people from a variety of ethnicities, cultures, and religions to form an American “new man”
What is the American Dream
America is the land of plenty opportunities and destiny.
Contending Loyalties
Commitments to aspects of a person’s identity or life