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Argosy University SOC 260 Module 1 Assignment 3 Managing World Health NEW
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There are several independent governmental organizations that monitor public health around the world including the WHO and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Each of these organizations maintains a Web site that publishes assessments of the most urgent public health problems.
In this assignment, you will summarize information on a public health issue of your choice.
Using the readings for this module, the University online library resources, and the Internet, complete the following:
1. Access the Web site of one of the following organizations, and identify a major public health issue (global or regional) that, in your opinion, is a priority issue that needs to be addressed.
• CDC—United States
• WHO—United Nations
• Department of Health—United Kingdom
• Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing
• Department of Health—South Africa
• Department of Health—Ireland
• Ministry of Health—China
• National Institute of Public Health—Mexico
• Ministry of Health—Belize
• Ministry of Health and Family Welfare—India
2. Based on the information available on the Web site you reviewed, create a presentation focusing on a public health issue of your choice. In your presentation, do the following:
• Describe the technical details about your public health issue.
• What is the mechanism through which public health is affected?
• How long has this been a problem?
• Is this problem caused by humans or is it naturally occurring?
• Identify whether the environment affects this issue. If yes, how?
• Identify the population affected.
• List the geographical areas affected by this problem today and those areas affected by this issue in the past.
• If other countries have attempted to control or mitigate this issue, what strategies and methods did they employ? Were they successful in their attempts?
• Describe how experts are addressing this issue. Consider, for example, the following questions as they potentially relate to your selected topic:
• Are there any new vaccines available that can help?
• Will clean water solve this issue? If so, what systems or infrastructure are necessary to ensure clean water for this region?
• How are public health officials monitoring the progression of this issue?
Be sure that your presentation addresses all of the above points. In addition, make note of the following:
• Use APA formatting for your presentation and use college-level writing skills.
• Organize your presentation, check your grammar, ensure your information flows logically, and check that your final product demonstrates unity and coherence.
• Support your statements with scholarly references.
• Prepare one slide, at the end of your presentation, as a reference slide.
• Use the speaker notes function to include remarks for each slide as though you were actually giving this presentation to an audience.
Develop a 10–12-slide presentation in Microsoft PowerPoint format, excluding the introduction and reference slides. Apply APA standards to citation of sources. Use the following file naming convention: LastnameFirstInitial_M1_A3.ppt. For example, if your name is John Smith, your document will be named SmithJ_M1_A3.ppt.


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Argosy University SOC 260 Module 2 Assignment 2 The Link between Population Growth and World Health NEW
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he US Census Bureau reports that there are nearly seven billion people in the world (US Census Bureau, 2011). The increase in population size over recent decades has created, and will continue to create, environmental and public health concerns. A larger population consumes already limited resources and energy and creates more waste and pollution. A larger population also exacerbates public health issues. For example, a boost in population size can lead to an increase in rates of infectious disease, homelessness, and poverty.
Currently, different parts of the world have varying population growth rates. Population growth in more developed countries is slowing down. For example, between 2005 and 2010, women from North America had an average of only two children in their lifetime. However, population growth rates in developing countries are still quite high. Specifically, between 2005 and 2010, women from Africa had an average of 4.6 children in their lifetime (United Nations: Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division, 2007).
In this assignment, you will estimate future population sizes and their potential link to environmental health.
Using the readings for this module, University online library resources, as well as resources from reliable academic or governmental organizations, write a paper that addresses the following:
• Estimate the predicted population size for the world in the year 2060. Be sure to justify your estimate as well as cite and explain the resources you used.
• Identify a single disease that significantly increases in prevalence when the human population increases in size. Address the following based on this information:
• Why is this issue likely to increase with an increasing population size?
• Are there any countries in particular that will be affected by this issue more than others? What will cause this discrepancy?
• How are food supply and nutrition impacted by the increasing population size? When considering nutrition, do you think some countries will be more susceptible than others? Explain and support your answer.
• What are governmental agencies currently doing to prevent or mitigate concerns of inadequate food supply and nutrition because of population growth?
• Based on your research, do you believe that these policies would change if the population growth increases dramatically by 2060?
Support your statements with scholarly references and appropriate examples.
Write a 2–3-page paper in Word format. Apply APA standards to citation of sources. Use the following file naming convention: LastnameFirstInitial_M2_A2.doc.


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Argosy University SOC 260 Module 3 Assignment 2 LASA 1 Analysis of an Environmental Disaster NEW

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Recent environmental disasters have significantly impacted the human population in multiple ways. In this assignment, you will identify a recent environmental disaster and discuss potential correlated health impacts.
Begin this assignment by identifying one recent example of an environmental disaster. For example, the BP oil spill or the earthquakes in Haiti or Japan.
Using the readings for this module, the University online resources, and the Internet, write a research paper including the following:
• Provide a description of the environmental event/disaster you have identified. Include the following points:
• Consider if the event was caused by humans or natural.
• Examine the direct and indirect impact on immediate- and long-term public health.
• Identify data regarding mortality and/or morbidity outcomes, if available.
• Explain the geographical impact with respect to health. Also consider the number of lives lost, environmental damage, economic fallout, and long-term repercussions or impact.
• Examine the research on the likelihood of this event recurring.
• Identify and describe the immediate- and long-term emergency response plans and efforts to the disaster you have selected. Be sure to identify which groups, organizations, and/or governments led or are leading the response efforts and the various players who participated or are participating in this response.
• Examine the lessons learned from previous responses to similar disasters. List at least three recommendations for protecting public health from a recurrence and/or the aftermath of similar disasters in the future.
Be sure to use a minimum of four external, peer-reviewed journal articles or reliable Internet resources.
Write a 3–4-page paper in Word format. Apply APA standards to citation of sources. Use the following file naming convention: LastnameFirstInitial_M3_A2.doc.


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Argosy University SOC 260 Module 4 Assignment 2 Climate Change Patterns Around the World NEW

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This week you will write a paper on the potential public health impacts of climate change on different parts of the world. Many experts predict that climate change will impact different parts of the world in different ways. Some areas of the world may see increased periods of drought while others may experience increased periods of flooding (IPCC, 2007).
In addition, developing countries will most likely be impacted more severely than developed countries (United Nations Development Program [UNDP], n.d.).
Using the University online library resources and reliable Internet resources, prepare a paper on three of the most important examples of how climate change will impact public health. Be sure to address the following:
• Examine how the outcomes from climate change on public health will differ between developed and developing countries.
• Describe what the future will be like for these public health issues as climate change becomes more severe.
• Explain the mitigation and response plans in place to ameliorate the effects of these changes.
• Assess the feasibility of these plans. If you could design a plan to address this issue, would it differ from current plans? If so, how?
Be sure to support your positions with scholarly references—including a reference list—and appropriate examples.
Write a 2–3-page paper in Word format. Apply APA standards to citation of sources. Use the following file naming convention: LastnameFirstInitial_M4_A2.doc.


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Argosy University SOC 260 Module 5 Assignment 1 LASA 2 History of Environmental Issues for an Area NEW

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In this assignment, you will select one region of the world with known environmental issues and create a timeline of the events in this area, going back no more than 200 years. For example, you could choose to focus on the Gulf Coast in the United States and its history of hurricanes, floods, and the recent oil spill; the Love Canal disaster in New York; the Chernobyl nuclear meltdown in Ukraine; or Canada’s tar-sands in Alberta. Each of these areas has a history of environmental problems that have impacted populations, and their health, drastically.
To help identify a region with known environmental events for this assignment, consult your textbook, the WHO Public Health and Environment Program’s Web site, and the UNEP’s Web site. Please be sure to support your public health analysis of these environmental issues with evidence-based research.
Using this timeline of events, create a presentation analyzing the environmental issues in this region, including the following topics/issues:
• History—A brief timeline: Describe the environmental history for the area(s)/region(s) impacted, including the environmental disasters that have taken place and their immediate- and long-term impacts on the population’s health in this region. Wherever appropriate, include a description of the population(s) in the region, along with demographics and population sizes. This should take approximately 4–5 slides.
• The factors that caused these disasters and public health outcomes in this area. Be sure to list all known causative factors at play and whether they are caused by humans and/or are natural. This should take approximately 2–3 slides.
• An analysis of how these events have impacted or will impact the health and/or disease risk of this region of the world. Be sure to address other determinants of health—social, economic, cultural, and other environmental factors—in your analysis that influence or will influence the magnitude of environmental events on health outcomes in this region. Examine whether you are focusing on a region with primarily developed or developing countries and explain how this influences current and future health outcomes. This should take approximately 4–5 slides.
• A summary of past, current, and proposed efforts that aim to help combat the effects of these environmental issues/threats on health (local and/or global), including emergency response planning and prevention efforts. This should take approximately 3–4 slides.
• Three recommendations for strategies to protect populations in this region from poor health outcomes due to these environmental issues. Be sure that your three recommendations are supported with evidence-based research. These could include long-term policies, emergency response plans, or public health programs that would protect public health in the region. This should take approximately 3–4 slides.
• References used for the project in APA format. This should take approximately 2–3 slides.
Be sure to include detailed speaker notes for each slide to elaborate on what you would say while presenting your material.
Develop a 20–25-slide presentation in Microsoft PowerPoint format. Apply APA standards to citation of sources. Use the following file naming convention: LastnameFirstInitial_M5_A1.ppt.


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