SOC 1: improving care & promoting health in populations Flashcards
What % of Americans are overweight? obese?
34% for each
Assessing social context includes:
- food insecurity
- housing stability
- financial barriers
- language barriers
- community resources to refer to
- referring to lay health professionals as available
Health inequalities are caused by:
social conditions (where people live and work)
What is population health?
Health outcomes of group of individuals, including distribution of health outcomes within a group
What is the DPP? How often did it meet? What were the intervention groups? What were the targeted outcomes/behaviors? What did it find?
- Diabetes Prevention Program
- 1st 6 months- 16 meetings
- Metformin vs. placebo vs. lifestyle change group
- Lifestyle change group- 7% weight loss, 150 minutes PA/week, low kcal/low fat diet
- after 3 years, DPP lifestyle change group reduced change of T2DM by 58%
When is DPP covered by Medicare?
- Overweight or obese +
- lab test reflecting pre-DM w/in past 1 year
What is the DCCT trial?
What type of DM did it target?
What did it set out to accomplish?
What were the outcomes?
- Diabetes Control Complications Trial
- T1DM
- intense insulin regimen (3+ daily injections or pump) to achieve near euglycemia versus conventional tx
- intensive tx –> 3x higher hypo risk however it did not reduce QOL/function
- suggests intensive insulin tx reduces LT complications
What is the UKPDS?
What type of DM?
Set out to accomplish?
- United Kingdom Prospective DM study
- T2
- effect of intense glycemic control on incidence of complications
- Fasting 100 versus 270 using meds/insulin and/or lifestyle, whatever needed
- Intense BG control reduced DM end points, especially microvascualr dx by 25% however did not reduce mortality
- any amount of BG improvement beneficial
Look AHEAD- what is it?
who were the participants?
what was the intervention?
- overweight T2DM participants
- aim for 7% BW loss, >/= 175 minutes/week of MIPA; intent to reduce CV
- 1st 6 months- 2 meal +1 snack replacement, 1 1:1 & 3 group sessions/month
- months 7-12- 1 meal replacement, 1 1:1 + 2 group/month
- year 2-4- 1 individual/month + 1 pone contact
- year 4-11- 1 1:1 month
- No significant changes found in CV morbidity and mortality
What are 3 ways to assess population health?
- Health outcomes (mortality, morbidity, health, functional status)
- Dz burden (incidence, prevalence)
- Behavioral/metabolic factors (exercise, diet, A1c)
Hierarcy to improve population health
policy level
system level
patient level
Outside direct control of individual
must be addressed to improve health outcomes
What % of PWD met: HgbA1c goals BP goals LDL goals non-smoking all of the above
A1c- 70% BP- 70% LDL- 55% non-smoking- 85% all of the above- 20%
Who is least likely to meet tx targets?
Non-hispanic African Americans
Why is the current healthcare system ill equipped to handle DM?
- duplicates services
- lacks clinical information technology
- fragmented
- poorly designed to coordinate care
6 core elements to optimize care of PWD
- reactive –> proactive care
- SM support
- decision support
- pt registries
- community resources
- health systems
What are the impacts of the Chronic Care Model on CVD risk, microvascular complications, mortality, cost?
- CVD risk dec. by 55%
- Microvascular complications dec. by 10%
- mortality decreased by 65%
- saved 7,000 over 5 year period per person
Strategies for system level improvement
- track medication taking behavior
- use evidenced based guidelines
- use EHR
- empower and educate pts
- remove financial barriers (out of pocket cost for DM ed, eye exams, DM technology, necessary meds)
- community resources
- public policies
Who does the care team in CCM center around?
Goal setting should be
SMART goals
collaboratively set w/ pt
explicitly stated
How common is cost related under usage in insulin users?
How common is financial stress & food insecurity in PWD?
$$ stress- 50%
Food insecurity- 20%
What is food insecurity?
Unreliable availability of nutritious food, inability to obtain w/o reporting to socially unacceptable practices
Who is most likely to be food insecure?
- racial/ethnic groups -B/AA, H/L
- low income households
- single mother households
DM MGMT challenges in those who are food insecure
- low adherence to taking meds and SMBG
- binge eating
- inexpensive CHO processed food intake
- erratic CHO –> hypo especially if on insulin or sulfonylurea
Affordable care act increased care for individuals with DM from ____% to ____ %
84 –> 90
What % of PWD reported financial stress?
What % of PWD report food insecurity?
Mental illness such as schizophrenia and bipolar are how many x’s higher in PWD?
For whom should Metformin be considered?
BMI >35
History GDM
<60 years old
Participating in DPP –> ?
58% reduced risk of T2DM
What are recommendations for flu vaccine?
Q year starting at 6 months
What is the recommendation for Hepatitis B
- give 2-3 dose series for unvaccinated adults 19-59
- consider 2-3 dose for unvaccinated adults 6-+
How much higher risk for Hep B?
Who should get PCV13?
babies before 2 years of age
Who should get PCV 23?
Age 2-64 then again >/= 65
What % of Medicare pts receive DMSME?
After what age to start depression and cognitive impairment screening?
The DCCT concluded that A1C <7% reduced
eye dz
kidney dz
nerve dz
eye- 75% reduced risk
kidney- 50%
nerve- 60%
UKPDS found that:
1% decrease in A1c decreased microvascular complication by what AND decreased deaths by what?
35% and 25%
UKPDS found that BP in low 140’s/low 80’s reduced risk of what?
Heart failure- 55%
Stroke- 45%
Death from DM- 1/3
What is the leading cause of mortality and morbidity in DM?
What age can ASCVD risk factor be used?
What is it?
Estimates 10 year risk of CV event
What was the mean A1c 2007-2010?
How much Medicare $ go toward DM?