Pregnancy Flashcards
When should preconception counseling start and end?
start @ puberty
continue as long as they are of reproductive age
When should woman begin trying for baby
when treatment regimen and A1c is optimized
until then discuss family planning and effective contraception
Glu levels should be __________________ before pregnancy
as close to normal as safely possible
when does organogenesis start?
5-8 weeks gestation, before woman may realize she’s pregnant
What A1c is associated w/ lowest risk of congenital abnormalities?
A multidisciplinary clinic for pregnant women w/ DM includes
Maternal fetal medicine specialist
Women w/ DM are at increased risk for ________during pregnancy
diabetic retinopathy
get dilated eye exam prior to pregnancy or in 1st trimester, monitor each trimester, and then for 1 year post partum
prenatal vitamins
400 mg folic acid
150 micrograms potassium iodide
ways to reduce risk of adverse outcomes
lifestyle management
glycemic goal setting
especially in 1st or 2nd trimester to reduce risk of GDM
DM specific testing includes
A1c creatinine UACR review of meds list for potentially harmful meds (ACE, ARBS, statins) refer for eye exam
Aspirin recommendations
100-150 mg low dose aspirin by 16 weeks/1st trimester to reduce risk of preeclampsia
reduces mortality, morbidity, lowers health care costs
When should pregnant women check BG
Fasting and postmeal
Why is A1c lower in pregnancy
RBC turnover increases
can reduce hypo and macrosomia
but must be used along with finger pricks
mgmt of GDM
lifestyle (most)
Refer to RD for
wt gain goals
insulin/CHO ratio
meal plan
Early pregnancy is time of
increased insulin sensitivity
lower glucose levels
may increase risk of hypo
lower insulin requirements in t1DM