SOAP Notes: OBJECTIVE Flashcards
What is the “O” in the SOAP note?
OBJECTIVE. This is where you write a synopsis of the entire encounter/session. It is:
• Measurable/quantifiable data
• What you observe patient doing
• Your skilled observations about functional movement, skills, patterns, etc.
What is the formulaic sentence that begins the O in SOAP?
“Client participated in ____ (#)-minute session in _____(setting)for _____ (purpose of intervention session).”
Ex: Resident participated in 45-minute session bedside for instruction on compensatory dressing techniques.
What to include in the O section:
- Give KEY DETAILS (which type of ROM? Which level assistance? Which side of UE? Can include test results in chart)
- Show the need for OTA skill (formulaic sentence can establish this)
- Indicate active client engagement (neither you or pt. should be passive!)
- Identify specific skilled OT services implemented
- Show justification for skilled therapy (use wording such as: Promote, Teach, Adapt, Administer, Determine Safety, Enhance, Modify, Evaluate…)
- Show how tx is specific to OT (that it is not overlapping with other disciplines, ie: PT)
- Connect non-occupation exercises/PAMS, etc. to an occupational function (ie: ___ as way to work on sink grooming goal).
- Indicate/confirm client’s and/or caregiver’s understanding
2 methods of organizing your Objective note
**Always start with Formula sentence! Then choose:
1) CHRONOLOGICALLY: Discuss each event in the order it occurred in the session (in a paragraph format).
2) CATEGORICALLY: Use your judgment to break down session into skilled/appropriate sections with subheads. Use OTPF categories (occupations, client factors, performance skills, etc.) as a starting point. Can also be things like ROM, ADLs, AEs, Sequencing, Safety, etc. Match the client’s tx plan.
Assist Levels
Be specific about assistance used. Physical? Verbal? Visual?
Indicate Amount: Total: requires 76-100% assist max: requires 51-75% assist mod: requires 26-50% assist min: requires 25% or less assist SBA: “standby”- one person nearby for safety CGA: “contact guard assist” – requires hand contact due to LOB Set-up: requires set-up of items first I (in circle): independent (no assist)
Ex: “close supervision,” “Line of sight supervision,” “Required 5 verbal cues”
Contact Guard Assist: when patient requires a hand contact during activity due to occasional LOB; protective safeguard.
Standby Supervision/Assist: when a patient needs someone supervising for safe and effective task performance.
How to address PAIN in Objective
Any observable data about pain is addressed in O; address pain in some way, such as teaching deep breathing to reduce pain.