SnowFlake Overview & Architecture Flashcards


Snowflake Worksheet Context; What defines a context in a Snowflake

Explain the components and importance of context in a Snowflake worksheet.

  • Note how context impacts query execution.
  • Context governs session operations.

In Snowflake, a worksheet’s context consists of the
* Database
* Schema
* Role
* Virtual Warehouse.

These elements determine the default namespace for operations, data access permissions, and the compute resources available for query execution.

Context streamlines workflow by setting operational boundaries and permissions.

Real-world Use Case: An analyst switches context to access different schemas for comprehensive campaign data analysis, optimizing resource use and access control.
Suitable Analogy: Like a workspace setup with specific tools and materials pre-arranged for a project, ensuring efficiency.

Key to efficient data management and querying.

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How do you set up a virtual warehouse in Snowflake?

  • Describe the steps to create and initiate a virtual warehouse in Snowflake.

  • Highlight the role of the INITIALLY_SUSPENDED parameter.
  • Efficient warehouse management.

Create a virtual warehouse in Snowflake using the CREATE OR REPLACE WAREHOUSE command with desired settings like size and initial suspension to manage resource usage.
Use the INITIALLY_SUSPENDED parameter to ensure the warehouse consumes credits only when active, optimizing cost.
Activate the warehouse with USE WAREHOUSE for SQL operations.

Analogy: Like a power-saving mode on electronic devices, using energy only when needed.
Manages compute costs by controlling warehouse activity.

Real-world Use Case: A tech company sets up a virtual warehouse to handle sporadic data analytics, keeping it initially suspended to cut costs, activating it only during data processing.

Key to cost-effective data operations.

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Role Management in Snowflake

  • What is a ‘ROLE’ in Snowflake?
  • How does changing roles affect data access and operations in Snowflake?

  • Consider how roles impact session and database object accessibility.
  • Roles define database interactions.

In Snowflake, ‘ROLE’ determines the scope of access permissions, influencing which database objects a user can see and interact with during a session. Changing roles via the USE ROLE statement dynamically alters this access scope, enabling adherence to security principles like the least privilege.

Analogy: Like keys on a keyring, each role unlocks access to different parts of Snowflake, ensuring data security and operational efficiency.

Critical for managing user access and securing sensitive data.

Real-World Use Case: In a multi-departmental organization, assigning specific roles ensures that employees access only the data relevant to their roles, such as HR staff accessing employee data but not finance records.

Central to security and operational management.

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Common SQL Commands: INSERT

  • How does the INSERT statement function in SQL?
  • What are the key components needed when inserting data into a table?

Examine the syntax structure for inserting data into specific columns.

INSERT is SQL’s command for adding new rows of data to a table.


INSERT is used to insert new rows into a table. The basic syntax is INSERT INTO table_name (column1, column2, column3, …) VALUES (value1, value2, value3, …);. It’s important to match values with the correct columns in terms of order and data type.

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Common SQL Commands: UPDATE

  • How do you ensure that an UPDATE statement modifies the correct data within a table?
  • Describe the UPDATE statement’s role in SQL.

Highlight the importance of the WHERE clause in an UPDATE operation.

UPDATE modifies existing data within a table, making accuracy and precision critical.


UPDATE is used to modify existing records in a table. The typical syntax is UPDATE table_name SET column1 = value1, column2 = value2, … WHERE condition;. The WHERE clause specifies which records should be updated. Without it, all records in the table would be updated.

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Common SQL Commands: DELETE

  • Why must one use caution when executing the DELETE statement?
  • Consider the consequences of omitting the WHERE clause in a DELETE operation.

DELETE removes existing data from a table and should be used with precision.


DELETE is used to delete existing records from a table. The syntax is DELETE FROM table_name WHERE condition;. If the WHERE clause is omitted, all records in the table will be deleted. It’s critical to ensure the WHERE condition accurately isolates the intended records for deletion.

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The ALTER Command in SQL

  • What is the function of the ALTER statement in SQL?
  • How does the ALTER statement modify the structure of database tables?

Contemplate the different scenarios where you would need to use ALTER.

ALTER is a DDL command that changes the schema of the database.


The ALTER statement in SQL is used to modify the structure of an existing table in various ways, such as adding, deleting, or modifying columns and changing data types of columns.
For example, ALTER TABLE table_name ADD column_name datatype; would add a new column to a table, while ALTER TABLE table_name DROP COLUMN column_name; would remove a column. The statement can also be used to change the table’s name with ALTER TABLE table_name RENAME TO new_table_name;.

  • Analogy: Think of ALTER as the renovation work in a house. Just as you might knock down a wall (drop a column) or build a new room (add a column), ALTER changes the structure of your database ‘house’.
  • Real-World Use Case: A business needs to track additional information about their customers, so they use ALTER TABLE Customers ADD Birthday DATE; to add a new column that stores customer birthdays to their database.

ALTER is often used to:
* Add new columns to a table
* Delete columns from a table
* Modify columns (change data types, rename, etc.)
* Change constraints (add a foreign key, set default values, etc.)
* Rename tables

Using the ALTER command requires careful planning and consideration of the impacts on the database’s integrity and the applications using it, as structural changes can have far-reaching effects.

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SUSPEND Command in Snowflake

  • What does the SUSPEND command do in Snowflake?
  • Explain the function and impact of the SUSPEND command in managing virtual warehouses in Snowflake.

Emphasize cost control and operational efficiency.

Key for resource management.


The SUSPEND command in Snowflake pauses a virtual warehouse, stopping all active queries and preventing new queries from starting. It’s used to manage compute costs effectively, as Snowflake charges for active warehouse time.
Use the command ALTER WAREHOUSE SUSPEND; to avoid charges during inactivity.

Analogy: Like a light switch for a warehouse, turning it off when not in use to save on electricity.

Directly controls compute expense by pausing warehouse operations.

Real-World Use Case: Businesses minimize costs by suspending virtual warehouses during off-peak hours or when not processing data, ensuring they only pay for what they use.

Essential for cost-effective warehouse management.

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Creating a Temporary Table in SQL

  • What is a temporary table in SQL and how is it created?
  • How do you create a temporary table, and what are its key characteristics and uses?

Emphasize the lifecycle and visibility of temporary tables.

Essential for session-based data handling.


A temporary table in SQL is used to store and process data during a single session.
It’s created with CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE syntax, e.g., CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE session_data (column1 VARCHAR).

These tables are automatically dropped at the end of the session and are visible only within that session, ideal for handling intermediate results in complex queries.

Analogy: Like a whiteboard, temporary tables allow for temporary note-taking and calculations that are cleared once the session or meeting is over.

Temp tables vanish post-session, ensuring no long-term storage use.

Real-World Use Case: Data analysts use temporary tables to manage subsets of data within a session for complex analyses without affecting permanent database structures.

Streamlines data manipulation within confined scopes.

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  • What does the “CREATE OR REPLACE” command do?
  • Explain the function of the OR keyword in the “CREATE OR REPLACE” command in SQL.

Focus on how it impacts database object management.

Streamlines database modifications.


The “CREATE OR REPLACE” command in SQL conditionally creates or updates a database object, such as a table or view. If the object doesn’t exist, it’s created; if it exists, it’s replaced with the new definition without dropping it, preserving any existing permissions and dependencies.

Analogy: Like renovating a room—update the interior without altering the structure.

Ensures continuity and minimizes errors during database updates.

Real-World Use Case: Developers use this command to update stored procedures without disrupting dependent applications, ensuring smooth transitions in database logic updates.

Essential for efficient and error-free database schema evolution.

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Setting User Defaults in Snowflake

  • What are user defaults in Snowflake?
  • Describe the purpose and advantages of setting user defaults in Snowflake.

Emphasize the ease of setup and its operational impacts.

Streamlining session initialization.


User defaults in Snowflake configure essential session parameters like
* role
* virtual warehouse
* namespace
automatically when a session starts, using ALTER USER [username] SET DEFAULTROLE = [role], DEFAULTWAREHOUSE = [warehouse], DEFAULT_NAMESPACE = [database].[schema].

This setup simplifies initial session configuration, ensuring consistency and reducing setup errors.

  • Configures essential session parameters to user preferences automatically.

Use Case: Developers frequently switching projects set defaults to quickly align their environments without manual adjustments, enhancing productivity and reducing context errors.

Key for efficient and error-free operations.

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Accounts Structure in Snowflake

  • What is the structure and function of accounts in a Snowflake organization?
  • Explain how accounts operate within a Snowflake organization and their role in managing data and operations.

Focus on the hierarchical organization and benefits.

Facilitating effective data management.


In Snowflake, accounts are individual instances managing data, users, and resources, structured under a broader organization to provide isolated environments for various departments or projects. These accounts enable centralized management with localized control, supporting features like cross-account replication and data sharing.

Analogy: Like subsidiaries of a corporation, each operates independently but under the governance of the central headquarters.

Accounts ensure data isolation and operational efficiency within a governed framework.

Real-World Use Case: A multinational corporation utilizes separate Snowflake accounts for each regional office to tailor data operations and governance locally while maintaining consolidated billing and administration at the headquarters.

Streamlines resource allocation and access control.

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Data Objects in Snowflake

  • What are data objects in Snowflake?
  • Describe the types and hierarchical structure of data objects in Snowflake.

Focus on how these objects interact to manage and organize data.

Core components of data architecture.


Snowflake organizes data using several primary objects:
* databases; A database holds schemas that contain tables and views
* schemas
* Tables; Tables store data rows
* Warehouses; . Warehouses are compute resources for executing queries.
* Views are query-based virtual tables.

This structure supports data management features like cloning, sharing, and time travel.

Facilitates efficient data storage, access, and processing.

Real-World Use Case: A retail firm uses separate schemas within a database to manage distinct aspects like sales data and customer feedback, optimizing data accessibility and analysis.

Enables scalable and flexible data handling.

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Database and Schema Structure in Snowflake

  • What are databases and schemas in Snowflake?
  • Describe how databases and schemas function and relate within Snowflake.

Focus on their roles in data organization and management.
Building blocks of Snowflake’s architecture.


In Snowflake, databases serve as the top-level containers for data organization, each containing multiple schemas. Schemas act as subcontainers within databases, organizing tables, views, and stored procedures.
This structure allows for efficient data management, with schemas providing detailed control over access and organization of the stored data.

Databases categorize major data areas, while schemas provide detailed segmentation within those areas.

Real-World Use Case: Financial firms use separate schemas within a single database for managing distinct areas like loans, accounts, and risk assessments to ensure data isolation and security.

Central to effective data management and access control.

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Object Hierarchy in Snowflake

  • What constitutes the object hierarchy in Snowflake?
  • Explain the structure and relational aspects of Snowflake’s data objects.

Focus on the hierarchical organization from accounts to individual data cells.

Foundation of Snowflake’s data management.


Snowflake’s object hierarchy includes organizations, accounts, databases, schemas, tables, views, and stored procedures. Organizations oversee multiple accounts; accounts house databases; databases contain schemas that organize tables, views, and procedures; tables store data in rows and columns; views and procedures process and present this data.

Analogy: Consider Snowflake’s structure as a corporate office building: the organization is the entire complex, accounts are main offices, databases are departments, schemas are office divisions, and tables are individual desks.

Ensures efficient data access and operational scalability.

Real-World Use Case: A multinational corporation structures its data environment with separate accounts for each region, databases for departmental data, and schemas for specific operational areas, facilitating precise data management and security.

Central to leveraging Snowflake’s full capabilities for data storage and operations.

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Understanding Snowflake Object Hierarchy

What is the hierarchical order of Snowflake objects from outermost to innermost?
1. Account, Database, Organization, Table, Schema
2. Schema, Table, Organization, Database, Account
3. Account, Organization, Database, Table, Schema
4. Organization, Account, Database, Schema, Table
5. Schema, Account, Database, Table, Organization

Understanding this hierarchy is important because it:
* Dictates access controls and data management.
* Influences the architecture of data storage and retrieval.
* Affects resource and account management across the Snowflake platform.


The hierarchical order of Snowflake objects from outermost to innermost is Organization, Account, Database, Schema, Table.
* The Organization is the top-level entity that can contain multiple Snowflake accounts, typically representing the full enterprise or a major administrative division.
* An Account is an independent Snowflake environment and represents the highest level within that environment.
* Inside an account, Databases serve as the primary containers for data and are followed by Schemas, which provide a logical grouping within databases to organize and manage tables and other objects.
* Lastly, Tables are the data structures that store data in rows and columns within schemas.

Analogy: A multinational corporation has a Snowflake organization for all its data needs. Within this organization, it has separate accounts for different regional divisions. Each account contains databases for various departments like Sales and HR, and each department’s database has schemas for different aspects, like sales regions or employee information. Within each schema, there are tables holding the actual transactional data or employee records.


Context Elements in Snowflake

What elements make up your context in Snowflake?
1. Database
1. Schema
1. User
1. Role
1. Account
1. Virtual warehouse

Think about the components that define your current working environment in a Snowflake session.


In Snowflake, your context is made up of the Database, Schema, Role, and Virtual Warehouse. The Database sets the high-level container for schemas and data storage.
* The Schema provides the namespace within the database, organizing the objects like tables and views.
* The Role determines the level of access and types of operations you can perform on the objects within the database and schema.
* Finally, the Virtual Warehouse is the compute resource you use to execute queries and perform data processing tasks.

When a data analyst starts a Snowflake session to work on a project, their context includes the specific database for the project, the schema for the dataset they’re analyzing, the role with permissions appropriate to their tasks, and the virtual warehouse that provides the compute power for their queries.


Snowflake’s Architecture - Separation of Compute and Storage

How does Snowflake eliminate resource contention?

Complete the following sentence: Snowflake separates ( ) and ( ) to eliminate resource contention.
1. Databases and schemas
1. Compute and storage
1. Large queries and small queries
1. Production data and test data

Consider the architectural decisions within Snowflake’s design.


Snowflake eliminates resource contention by separating Compute and Storage. This design allows storage resources to scale independently from compute resources. Compute resources, in the form of virtual warehouses, can be scaled up or down without affecting stored data, and storage can grow as needed without impacting compute performance. This separation ensures that heavy querying or data processing does not interfere with the availability or performance of data storage, and vice versa, leading to efficient resource utilization and optimized cost.

ANSWER: Large queries and small queries

A retail company experiences heavy analytical load at the end of the month. They can scale up their compute resources during this period to handle the load without needing to scale their storage, which might not see a proportional increase in demand.


The Three Layers of Snowflake’s Architecture

What are the Three layers of Snowflake’s architecture?

Identify the role each layer plays within Snowflake’s design.


Snowflake’s architecture is composed of four distinct layers, each serving a unique purpose:
1. Optimized Storage: This is where your data is stored in an optimized, compressed format, leveraging the storage capabilities of the underlying cloud provider (Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure, or Google Cloud).
1. Elastic Multi-cluster Compute: This layer consists of separate and distinct compute resources, known as virtual warehouses, which can be scaled independently to manage the computational workload.
1. Cloud Services: Often regarded as the ‘brains’ of the Snowflake architecture, this layer encompasses the essential services like query parsing, optimization, security, and transaction management.
1. Snowgrid: This enables Snowflake to function as a single, globally connected service across the major cloud providers, ensuring seamless operations and data sharing capabilities.

Analogy: Consider Snowflake’s architecture as a modern skyscraper: The storage layer is the foundation, built on the stable ground of cloud storage. The compute layer is the various floors, with each floor (warehouse) able to support different activities (workloads). Cloud services are the building management systems controlling elevators, climate, and security. Snowgrid is the network of sky bridges, allowing easy movement between this skyscraper and others in the city (different cloud providers).

A company utilizing Snowflake can store massive datasets using optimized storage, scale computing power during high-demand analytics processes, maintain governance and security through cloud services, and share data resources across different regions and cloud providers via Snowgrid.


Snowflake’s Built-in Continuous Availability

What ensures continuous availability in Snowflake’s architecture?


Snowflake ensures continuous availability through the following features:
1. Multiple Availability Zones: A region in Snowflake has multiple availability zones that are geographically separated from each other, each containing one or more data centers to mitigate the risk of a single point of failure.
2. Redundant Components: Each data center within the availability zones has redundant components, enhancing reliability and uptime.
3. Transparent Data Replication: Data is automatically and transparently replicated across three different availability zones within a region, ensuring data durability and high availability.
4. Query Processing: All query processing is handled by virtual warehouses that operate on replicated copies of the data. This means that no data is lost if a virtual warehouse experiences downtime.
5. Self-Repairing Virtual Warehouses: Virtual warehouses are designed to self-repair, further contributing to the system’s resilience.

This infrastructure design enables Snowflake to provide high levels of data availability and reliability across its cloud data platform.


Zero-Copy Cloning in Snowflake

  • What is zero-copy cloning in Snowflake?
  • Explain how zero-copy cloning works and its benefits in Snowflake.

Focus on the underlying mechanism and cost implications.
Footnote: Efficient data management strategy.


Zero-copy cloning in Snowflake allows for creating duplicates of data objects like tables or databases without physically copying the data, using metadata updates instead. This method conserves storage and costs, as changes are only stored when modifications are made to the clones, not the original data.

Analogy: Like a digital photocopy, zero-copy cloning provides an exact replica instantly without using additional paper or ink.

Real-World Use Case: Companies use zero-copy cloning for creating immediate test environments or backups without impacting production data or incurring significant additional storage costs.

Catalyzes rapid, cost-effective data environment replication.