Query Performance Flashcards


The EXPLAIN Command

What is the EXPLAIN command in Snowflake?
How does the EXPLAIN command aid in query performance tuning?

Assess the information provided by the EXPLAIN command.

EXPLAIN is an essential tool for database performance optimization and cost control.


The EXPLAIN command in Snowflake is used to display the logical execution steps of a SQL query. It shows results in JSON, indented text, or tabular format (default).

The command is valuable for performance tuning and cost management by providing key information like partition pruning, join ordering, and join types, which can all impact the efficiency of query execution.

Analogy: Think of EXPLAIN as a recipe that details each step of cooking a dish. By understanding each step, a chef can optimize the cooking process to save time and resources.

Real-World Use Case: Database administrators use EXPLAIN to optimize complex queries, ensuring that resources are used efficiently and performance is maximized, ultimately leading to cost savings.

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Micro-Partition Pruning in EXPLAIN

What does micro-partition pruning look like in an EXPLAIN output?

How does the EXPLAIN command reveal the efficiency of a query’s use of micro-partitions?

Highlight the significance of micro-partition pruning details in an EXPLAIN plan.

Efficient micro-partition pruning is crucial for performance optimization in Snowflake.


In an EXPLAIN output, micro-partition pruning is detailed, showing the total number of micro-partitions and the number of micro-partitions that are actually scanned.

This indicates how well a query is optimized to reduce the data it needs to process.

For instance, a query might only need to scan 154 of 3,252 micro-partitions, meaning the predicate eliminates 95% of unnecessary scanning, which is highly efficient.

  • Analogy: It’s like having X-ray vision that allows you to see inside a closed box to determine exactly what you need to retrieve, avoiding the need to rummage through everything.

Real-World Use Case: Analysts planning to run data-heavy reports will use the EXPLAIN command to understand how their queries can be optimized to scan the least amount of data necessary, preserving speed and reducing compute cost.

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Concept of Partition Pruning

  • What is partition pruning in Snowflake, and why is it important?
  • How does partition pruning enhance query performance?

Discuss the impact of WHERE clause predicates on partition pruning.

Partition pruning is a critical query optimization technique in Snowflake’s data storage architecture.


Partition pruning in Snowflake is the process of eliminating unnecessary partitions from a query’s scan based on the WHERE clause predicates and the partition’s metadata.
This optimization results in** fewer partitions being read from the storage layer**, leading to better performance. Tables in Snowflake are organized in a way that commonly filtered columns are used to partition the data, so including these in WHERE clauses or joins can result in more effective pruning and, thus, more efficient queries.

  • Analogy: Consider partition pruning like selecting books from a shelf; instead of checking every book, you only pull those whose spine labels indicate they contain the information you need.

Real-World Use Case: A data analyst querying sales records for a specific timeframe will experience faster query results, as Snowflake will only scan partitions containing data for that period, ignoring all irrelevant partitions.

Partition pruning is essential for managing data scanning in large datasets, directly contributing to Snowflake’s ability to deliver swift and cost-effective data analytics solutions.

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Practical Example of Partition Pruning

  • How is partition pruning practically applied in Snowflake?
  • What does an effective partition pruning look like in action?

Explain the effect of partition pruning on a sample query.

Analyzing query profiles post-execution can provide insights into the effectiveness of partition pruning.


In practice, partition pruning in Snowflake can be observed through query profiles.
For instance, executing a query that filters on a column used for partitioning can lead to a substantial reduction in the number of partitions scanned.
The query profile will show that only a fraction of the available partitions were actually processed to return the query result, confirming the effectiveness of partition pruning.

  • Analogy: This is like a searchlight only illuminating areas of interest in a large dark room, rather than lighting up the entire space to find what you’re looking for.

Real-World Use Case: A marketing team requests a customer list filtered by certain criteria. The executed query only scans relevant partitions, significantly reducing the execution time due to partition pruning.

Partition pruning is essential for managing data scanning in large datasets, directly contributing to Snowflake’s ability to deliver swift and cost-effective data analytics solutions.

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Identifying Spillage in Snowflake

  • What is spillage in the context of Snowflake, and why is it essential to manage?
  • What is the impact of spillage on query performance in Snowflake?

Differentiate between local and remote spillage.
Spillage is an important concept in Snowflake’s resource management, directly influencing performance and cost.


Spillage in Snowflake occurs when the data being processed exceeds the memory capacity of the virtual warehouse and is temporarily stored on disk.
Local spillage happens when data is written to the disk within the virtual warehouse. If the virtual warehouse’s local disk is full, the data spills over to remote cloud storage, known as remote spillage. Both can slow down query execution as disk I/O is typically slower than in-memory operations, highlighting the need to optimize queries and warehouse sizing to prevent spillage for better performance and cost control.

  • Analogy: Think of spillage like overflow in a coffee cup. If you pour too quickly or the cup is too small, the coffee overflows (spillage) onto the saucer (local disk) and potentially the table (remote storage), creating a mess (slower performance) that could have been avoided with a bigger cup (larger warehouse) or pouring more slowly (query optimization).

Real-World Use Case: A data analyst notices slow query performance and, upon investigating the query profile, realizes that spillage is occurring due to insufficient memory allocation in the virtual warehouse. They may choose to optimize the query or adjust the warehouse size to mitigate this issue.

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Resolving Query Spillage

  • How can you resolve a spillage issue identified in a Snowflake query?
  • What steps can be taken to rectify spillage after it has been detected?

Explore query optimization strategies to address spillage.

Effective resolution of spillage is critical for maintaining efficient query execution in Snowflake.


To resolve spillage in Snowflake, review the Query Profile to determine where spillage occurs and rewrite the query to be more efficient.
For instance, if spillage is happening at an aggregation step, you might need to simplify the query by removing unnecessary columns or breaking down the query into smaller parts. By refining the query or increasing the virtual warehouse size, you can prevent spillage and improve query execution speed.

  • Analogy: Resolving spillage is like reorganizing a cluttered desk into a more efficient workspace; removing unnecessary items and arranging tools more effectively makes the work process smoother and faster.

Real-World Use Case: Upon encountering spillage during a heavy aggregation query, a Snowflake user refactors the query to reduce the amount of data processed simultaneously, which resolves the spillage and speeds up the query.

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Use EXPLAIN to see the plan for a query.


The EXPLAIN command in Snowflake is used to obtain the execution plan for a SQL query without actually running the query. It provides details on how Snowflake will execute the query, which can be used for analyzing and optimizing performance.

EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(1) FROM my_table WHERE some_column = ‘some_value’;

This statement will return the execution plan, showing details such as the operations Snowflake intends to perform (like table scans, joins, aggregations), the order of these operations, and how the data will flow through these operations. It might also show estimates of the computational resources required for the query.

The actual EXPLAIN output is not something I can directly provide, as it requires executing the command in a Snowflake environment with the specific query context. If you have access to a Snowflake environment, you can run the EXPLAIN command with your query to see the plan.

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Bytes Spilled to Local Storage in Snowflake

  • What causes bytes to be spilled to local storage in Snowflake?
  • How does insufficient memory in a virtual warehouse lead to spillage?

The root cause of “Bytes spilled to local storage” is what?
1. Insufficient memory
2. Insufficient disk space
3. Insufficient CPU

Examine the implications of memory allocation on query execution.

Understanding spillage causation is key to optimizing Snowflake’s virtual warehouse configurations.


Bytes spilled to local storage in Snowflake are typically caused by insufficient memory within the virtual warehouse. When the memory allocated to a warehouse cannot hold all the data required for a query’s execution, the excess data spills over to the virtual warehouse’s local disk storage. This spillage is an indication that the warehouse size may need to be increased or the query optimized to fit within the available memory capacity.

  • Analogy: If a chef’s prep area is too small for the ingredients of a large meal, they may use additional counter space (local storage) to hold everything. Similarly, when a virtual warehouse’s memory is overwhelmed, it uses disk space to handle the load.

Real-World Use Case: A data engineer notices a complex query is running slower than expected. By reviewing the query plan and observing spillage to local storage, they determine that the virtual warehouse needs additional memory to process the query efficiently.

Managing virtual warehouse memory and understanding its limitations are essential for maintaining high-performance data operations in Snowflake.

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The Purpose of the EXPLAIN Command in Snowflake

You should use the EXPLAIN command to determine how a query will run, so you can give more hints to the compiler for a more efficient plan. True/False ?


It is false that the EXPLAIN command is used to give hints to the compiler for a more efficient plan. In Snowflake, the EXPLAIN command is used to display the execution plan for a SQL query, allowing users to understand how the query will run. However, users cannot provide hints to the Snowflake compiler to influence the execution plan directly. Instead, they can use the insights gained from the EXPLAIN output to manually adjust their query for better efficiency.

  • Analogy: Using the EXPLAIN command is like a GPS showing you the route for your trip; it doesn’t allow you to control the traffic lights along the way, but you can choose to take a different path based on the information it provides.

Real-World Use Case: A database administrator runs the EXPLAIN command for a complex query and notices that the execution plan is not optimal. They then rewrite the query or adjust database schema indices based on this information to achieve better performance.

Understanding the use and purpose of the EXPLAIN command is important for database administrators and developers working with Snowflake to ensure that queries are as efficient as possible within the constraints of the system’s automated optimization processes.

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Causes of Inefficient Micro-Partition Pruning in Snowflake

What can lead to inefficient micro-partition pruning in Snowflake?

Which practices can negatively impact the effectiveness of partition pruning?

Which of the following are potential causes of poor micro-partition pruning?
* Not using a WHERE clause.
* Filtering on any column other than the date.
* Using a WHERE clause with a wildcard on a text column.
* Using SELECT in the FROM clause.

Consider the impact of query design on partition pruning.

Optimal partition pruning is a crucial factor in the performance tuning of queries in Snowflake.


Inefficient micro-partition pruning can result from:
Not using a WHERE clause in your queries, which prevents Snowflake from effectively narrowing down the partitions to scan.
Using a WHERE clause with a wildcard on a text column can result in scanning more partitions than necessary, as it’s harder to exclude partitions based on such predicates.

  • Analogy: If you were looking for a red shirt in your wardrobe, not specifying the color (not using a WHERE clause) or searching for any shirt that contains a color (using a wildcard) would make the search less efficient than if you directly look for ‘red shirts’ in the wardrobe.

Real-World Use Case: A data engineer notices slow query performance and identifies that the absence of specific WHERE clauses and the use of wildcards in text searches are causing excessive data scanning. Refining the query conditions can lead to more targeted partition pruning and faster query execution.

Designing queries with targeted filters is essential for leveraging Snowflake’s micro-partition pruning to its fullest extent, thereby optimizing query performance and reducing compute resource usage.

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