SNL #1 George Carlin Billy Preston Janis Ian 10/11/75 Flashcards
After prince Charles who is next in line for thr British throne
23or 24?
Prince William
Comic book character perry white was born in this city
Popular in Mexico this dessert is at its most basic a disc of custard glazed with caramel
First people to cross the Atlantic in a hot air balloon were this Swede and this British mogul
Per lindstrand and British mogul Richard Branson
This flap of cartilage in thr throat prevents food from entering the windpipe and Lungs
This high profile attorney founded the womens equal rights legal defense and education fund
Gloria Allred
The row is a high end clothing brand owned by these former child actresses
Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen
In this early plant stage a leader stem emerges from a seed
This genera term refers to a competitive rowing team
Wrote the music and lyrics for a funny thing happened on the way to the what
Stephen Sondheim
On the way to the forum
Whose famous psychoanalytic couch is on display at his final home in London
Thr asimo robot wqs created by this car company
Honda - Japanese
The official US navy peacoat features black buttons etched with image of this