Prince William And Kate Flashcards
The forbidding rube al-khali one of these covering more then a fourth of Saudi Arabia is also called empty quarter
The institution called the first this founded in 1791 issued the only notes accepted for paying taxes
The first bank of the U.S.
Meaning near this other 4 letter word that also starts with n follows the end is on apocalyptic signs
This former brat packer played Mary Andrews mom to Archie on this cw series
Molly ringwald on Riverdale
A beatitude says blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after this quality
Falsetto is used by male singers to reach this vocal register of jessye Norman and Joan Sutherland
1940 originators of this first kind of modern jazz included dizzy Gillespie and thelonious monk
Musical term diminuendo or this negative of another term
Duh min u endo
Day crescendo
In songs the name of this dance follows beer barrel (fun) too fat and strip (hey now ) and
hit me back just to chat truly yours your biggest fan
Charles dickens coined this word for doctors of Victorian era who cut and amputated legs fast as there was no anesthesia
Hall and Oates
Shell only come out at night the lean and hungry type
Fleetwood Mac
Rings like a bell through the night
Re ahnn in
Please stick to the rivers and lakes that you’re used to
George Michael
I know not everybody has got a body like you
Trumpet players use this device to alter tonal quality in addition to lowering the volume
but do they hit it as they do
Hit the Mute
Eyes on these can sprout and the resulting buds contain a toxin called sol uh neen
A beholder is also called the sphere rod many eyes in the first edition of this alliterative dungeons and dragons reference book
Monster manual
To prepare using bread and crackers these or derves with a fancy French name can be tiny open faced sandwiches
If your making Greek appetizers dolmades yalantzi make sure these leaves are tender before stuffing them
Yuwl lan zee
Grape leaves
Number or eyes seen in artwork of the 3 wise monkeys
One hand over
Also called Fan shells or comb shells these mollusks can have up to 200 eyes
Th black country geo park in this country included coal mines and other sites at the heart of the Industrial Revolution
Learn about the Canadian this the huge rock formation that underlies much of northeast North America at Quebec’s per say geo park
In Austria you can visit historic mines in the geek called ore of this mountains
A geopark named for these people is located on the north coast of Spain near the French border
From the Yiddish it means to carry or haul or to move at a tediously slow pace
Word that means to search thoroughly can be found before the word sale
Ecuador eem bah bora geopark has 13 of these
3 potentially active the rest dormant or extinct
While a profeeesor of astronomy at uppsala university he came up with his famous temperature scale
Ancient Roman god of beginnings
January named for
Also the God of Gates and doorways
According to the nursery rhyme with an old mother Hubbard , try to find in her cupboard
Oh, mother Hubbard, went to the cupboard, but unfortunately it was boneless
In 1876 the battle known as Custer’s last stand took place in this modern day state
The battle of Little Bighorn was between federal troops led by lieutenant colonel George Custer, and Native American forces led by sitting bull
At the same temperature which is heavier, dry air, or humid air
Humid air is lighter
Because water has a lower molecular weight than either nitrogen or oxygen human airways less
One of the best selling memoirs ever which first ladies autobiography sold more than 10 million copies
Michelle Obama becoming sold 2 million copies in his first 16 days and was the best selling book of any kind in the US in 2018
Sometimes called the sixth sense proprioception is the fancy name for this
Spatial awareness
If you want to touch your nose, proprioception, helps you know where your nose and your finger are
Leonard Warren made quite an exit in 1960 at this NYC venue when he sang urna fatale del mio Destino and died
Opera singer
1976 report initiated by Admiral Rico found it was an internal not external explosion that caused the destruction of this
USS Maine
Spanish American war found that it was not a mine that blew up the ship
Which Sparked the Spanish American war
He was still in Harvard Medical School when he sold the movie rights to Andromeda strain
Michael Creighton
Never did practice
He studied accounting a Mississippi State law at Ole Miss, then changed careers and wrote 49 straight, number #1 best sellers
Back from Burma in the 1930s this Britt took his pen from the raining king and a local river
George Orwell
General Lee decided on a charge to take cemetery hill on July 3, 1863 during this battle
Before deciding to cross this stream Julius Cesar apparently saw an apparition with a trumpet
Around 539 BC, this ruler permitted the Jewish exiles of Babylon to return to their homeland
Cyrus, the great
He decided against a New World Empire after his brother-in-law Charles leclerc died of yellow fever in Haiti 1802
Luh clerk
No visibility at the city of kokura on August 9, 1945 caused a B-29 bomber to change its course and fly to the city
Co core uh
She got her MA in linguistics went to China for the first time in 1987 put three short stories in novel form and had luck with that
Amy Tan
Architect Julian Abel couldn’t have known his steps at the Philadelphia Museum of Art would one day bear this character name
Philly is the city of this guy from center city and his band’s special sauce
G Love and special sauce
Todd storz owner of KOwH in Omaha is credited with pioneering This numerical hit radio format in the 1950s.
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