SMT-1 Manual, pgs 79-84 Flashcards
331: why have the prone knee flexion, supine to sit and sitting PSIS tests become the norm?
they are continually propogated
332: What inclusion criteria did Vander Wuff eval 2006 use for subjects with CLBP?
pain below L5 over posterior SIJ, with or without leg pain, and chronic pain >50 days
333: how many of 140 patients in Vander Wuff’s 2006 study met inclusion criteria
334: what were the methods in Vander Wuffs 2006 study
2 diagnostic SIJ blocks (injections) on separate occasion
335: In Vander Wuffs 2006 study what was considered a POSITIVE response
A decrease in pain within 30 minutes > 50% for at least 1 hr
336: In Vander Wuffs 2006 study what was considered a NEGATIVE response
any other outcomes
337: In Vander Wuffs 2006 study what was the % of POSITIVE RESPONDERS
45% (27/60)
338: In Vander Wuffs 2006 study what was the % of NEGATIVE RESPONDERS
55% (33/60)
339: In Vander Wuffs 2006 study in both groups where was pain referred
buttock posterior thigh lateral and medial side of lower leg ventral side of the medal and lateral leg to the foot or ankle
340: In Vander Wuffs 2006 study what dermatomes was pain referred
L4-S3 Dorsally
L1-S1 Ventrally
341: In Vander Wuffs 2006 study where was pain referral different
“fortin Area” + group 100% 1cm medial and inferior to PSIS
“tuber area” - group 100% inferolateral to ischial tuberosity
342: Why would leg pain occur with SIJ
Ventrally supplied by L3-S2
Dorsally supplied by S1-S4
Fortin area supplied by S1-S3
343: how does Fortins area help with SIJ diagnosis
used as another diagnostic criteria for SIJ
344: What did Mens et al 1999 discover related to ASLR?
20/21 non pregano post partum pelvic girdle pain patients had a POSITIVE ASLR
345: In Mens et al 1999 what did patients wear to improve the ASLR
pelvic belt p=0.000
346: In Mens et al 1999 what was observed when standing on one leg
significant difference between both sides with respect to radiographically visualized step between the pubic bones p=0.01
347: In Mens et al 1999 what position caused a larger step
standing in asymptomatic side with symptomatic leg hanging 5 min
348: In Mens et al 1999 what caused such a caudal displacement
excessive anterior rotation of innominate on symptomatic SIJ side during ASLR
349: In Mens et al 1999 who else supports this evidence
Berizin 1954: 5.9 mm shift PPPP vs 1.9 asymptomatic
O’Sullivan et al 2002 altered motor control strategies with ASLR and SIJ
350: What did Mens et al 2000 find in regards to stabilization exercises and PPPP
64% improvement but no different between experimental and control
351: what methods were used in Mens et al 2000
1: diagonal trunk exercises (IO, EO anterior diagonal muscles system,
lat, , Gmax posterior diagnosis trunk muscle system
though to generate force to SIJ or tension the thoracolumbar fascia would = force closure
2. longitudinal trunk muscles system exercises
placebo really light exercises
3. instruction on how to gradually increase ADL’s and do no exercise
352: in Mens et al 2000 which group had to quit secondary to pain
the force closure group (prone hip ext)
353: What does Mens et al 2000 study conclude
No evidence that exercise of the trunk diagonal system is beneficial for PPPP
354: what did Vleeming et al 1995,1996 report regarding LE muscle tension and SIJ?
tension of the Gmax and HS increase tension of ligaments and Decrease SIJ mobility
355: according to Stuge et al 2004 what were the results for PPPP
85% of specific stabilizing exercise group vs 47% control
0 or minimal evening pain reported 68% there ex group vs 23%
77% vs 45% morning pain
356: In Stuge et al 2004 what did both group receive
mob/manip as needed
357: what did Nilsson-Wikman et al 1998 compare
effects of there ex given by PT with home training strength and stretching vs No ex program
358: what were results of Nilsson-Wikman et al 1998
No difference between groups (therex vs non therex)
359: what did Dumas et al 1995 investigate
the value of exercises classes in the prevention of PPPP treatment
360: where were the results of Dumas et al 1995
Zero effect of therex on prevention of tx of PPPP or even during pregnancy
301: What is the most sensitive PT test for SIJ?
Thigh thrust test
302: What is the most specific PT test for SIJ?
ASIS distraction
303: Laslett et al ‘03 found what percent sensitivity for SIJ?
91% sn
304: Laslett et al ‘03 found what percent specificity for SIJ?
87% sp
305: Laslett et al ‘05 found what percent sensitivity for SIJ?
94% sn
306: Laslett et al ‘05 found what percent specificity for SIJ?
78% sp
307: Laslett et al ‘05 found what positive likelihood ratio?
308: How many tests are necessary to help validate SIJD?
3 or more
309: What test adds little accuracy when using a combo of tests to diagnose SIJD?
310: Who else found reliability with pain provocation tests for SIJD?
Vander Wurff ‘06
311: What sensitivity did Van Der Wurff find?
85% sens
312: What specificity did Van Der Wurff find?
79% spec
313: What positive likelihood ratio did Van Der Wurff find?
314: What other test did Van Der Wurff include from Laslett’s cluster?
Patrick’s/Faber’s and only counted Gaenslen’s once.
315: Who else used the same PPTs as Van Der Wurff?
Kokmeyer et al 2012
316: What 5 tests were used?
- Patrick’s/Faber’s 2. Femoral Shear. 3. ASIS distraction. 4. ASIS compression. 5. Gaenslen’s
317: Which test had a kappa value of .67 and was almost as good as the multi test regimen.
Thigh Thrust
318: Have static symmetry and motion tests been validated?
319: What tests did Freburger and Riddle ‘01 find to have low sensitivity, specificity, and inter-rater reliability?
- Standing/sitting. 2. Gillet’s 3. Supine to sit. 4. Prone knee check test. 5. Sacral Spring and motion tests.
320: What is the amount of motion in the SIJ?
2mm and 2 degrees
321: Who stated that the SIJ is too deep to palpate?
McGrath ‘06
322: How deep does the SIJ lie from the skin?
5-7 cm
323: What 7 layers cover the SIJ?
- Skin 2. subq adipose 3.Lumbosacral fascia and erector spinae aponeurosis. 4. Multifidus 5. Ligamentous layer. 6. White adipose layer. 7. SI interosseous ligaments.
324: What did Robinson et al ‘07 find in regards to SIJ palpation tests?
Found ‘joint play’ palpation tests to have poor inter examiner reliability.
325: Specifically which test was Robinson ‘07 referring to regarding SIJ palpation tests?
Ilium on sacrum
326: What else did Robinson et al ‘07 find in regards to PPTS?
3/5 SIJ PPTS had moderate to good inter examiner reliability
327: Who else found poor inter examiner reliability in static palpation tests for SIJD?
Holmgren and Waling ‘07
328: Which static palpation tests had poor inter examiner reliability in particular?
Sacral sulcus, transverse process of L5, ILA
329: Which test had fair inter examiner reliability for SIJD?
Medial malleolus for leg length.
330: Who examined reliability for standing, prone knee, sitting, and supine to sit PSIS tests?
Riddle and Freburger ‘02