SMK3 ENGL. K2 Flashcards
How can the classical perspective or the classical approach to management be structured and who were their major contributors?
- Lower level management analysis:
- scientific management (Frederick W. Taylor, Frank & Lilian Gilbreth, Henry L. Gantt)
- structures and Power:
- bureaucratic organizations (Max Weber)
- comprehensive analysis of management
- administrative principles (Henry Fayol)
whats the aim of the scientific management and where is it based on?
scientific management:
- method of finding the ‘one best way to do a job’
based on developing standard methods & training workers accordingly
name the three main variables the scientific management is split in!
Sample Variables Considered in Analyzing Motions:
- Worker variables
- anatomy
- health
- brawn etc. - Environmental variables
- work clothes
- heat
- lighting etc. - Work motion requirements
-acceleration requirements
-speed necessary
what was Henry L. Gantt’s main goal with the classical perspective when we’re talking about scientific management?
to Improve systems by scheduling and rewarding innovation
Foundation for modern project management
whats the aim of the Bureaucratic Organizations and where is it based on?
- to Manage organizations on impersonal, rational basis
- Managers use power instead of personality to delegate
-Although important productivity gains come from this foundation, bureaucracy has taken on a negative tone
whats the aim of the Administrative Principles and where are those based on?
Comprehensive Analysis of Management, “General Administrative Theory”
Focused on what constituted good management
what are the five management functions Henry Fayol identified?
- Planning
- Organizing
- Commanding
- Coordinating
- Controlling
Name 7 of the 14 Management principles when thinking about the administrative principles!
- Division of work
- Authority
- Discipline
- unity of command
- unity of detection
- subordination of ind. interests
- Remuneration
- Centralization
- scolar chain
- order
- equity
- stability of tenure of personnel
- initiative
- esprit de corps
When we’re talking about the behavioral/ humanistic perspective of management Mary Parker Sollet and Chester Barnard state that, orgas. could be viewed from both individual and group behavioral perspectives.
what is the importance they’re underlining?
the importance of people rather than engineering techniques which is: a contrast to scientific management
(also introduced the acceptance theory of authority)
how can the quantitative approach, when we talk about management science be defined?
Management science:
- use of mathematics and statistics
- operations management focuses on the physical production of goods and services
- information technology focuses on technology and software to aid managers
Name the four steps of management science!
four steps of management science are:
- observe
- construct
- deduce
- test
What are the four internal determinants of management science when it comes to the decision to volunteer and the time committed to voluntary engagement ?
internal determinants:
- demographics (age, gender, children, migration….)
- economic indicators (income, working time….)
- sociological indicators (social interaction)
- physiological indicators (preferences, motives…..)
talking about the system theory, functionality of systems at the core of Luhmann’s ideas - functionalism tries to determine all societal phenomenon regarding their overall use to the entire society THIS leads to a variety of systems. name them!
- Legal system (build and secure social norms)
- science system (gain knowledge of the reality)
- economic system (distribute scarce goods)
what is the economic system and how can it be defined?
the economic system is:
- a system capable of reproducing and maintaining itself
- its about having or not having the goods
the system theory overlaps of different system - name those three !
- sport club
- registered association
- legal system
name four out of the six system and ‘wholeness’ points when talking about the system theory !
1) The whole should be the main focus of analysis
2) Integration is the key variable in wholeness analysis
3) Modifications weighed in relation to effects on every other part
4) Each part has some role to perform
5) Part and its function determined by its position in the whole
6) All analysis starts with the existence of the whole
what is meant by the contingency approach ?
- perceiving organizational situations as they actually exist
- choosing the management tactics best suited to those situations
- competently implementing those tactics
what does the contingency approach say in relation to the case and the universalist view?
contingency view:
- organizational phenomena exists in long term patterns
- managers devise and apply similar responses to common types of problems
Learning organizations - a new approach? what is meant by that?
- everyone is engaged in.
- identifying and solving problems
- enabling the organization to the continuously experiment
- improve and increase its capability
the learning organization can be split in four subitems - name them !
- organizational design (boundaryless , teams, empowerment)
- information sharing (open, timely, accurate)
- leadership (shared vision, collaboration)
- organizational culture (strong mutual relationships, sense of community, caring, trust)
what are the concerns about implementation and effectiveness when talking about learning organizations?
- policies and procedures
- forms of assessment
- necessary changes in behavior