Smith vs Marx and political ideologies Flashcards
Who are the 2 men who created important political and economical ideas and ideologies?
Adam Smith and Karl Marx
When was Smith active/living?
1723 - 1790 or 18th century
Smith believes that work =
the direct product of wealth
Who believes between Smith and Marx that people get what they deserve?
What is the economic theory of Smith and explain it briefly?
Economic theory of Laissez-Faire
Against govt intervention, because regulations only interfere with production.
What are the regulations that the government can put that would interfere with the production (Smith)?
Quota, limits, taxes
Smith believes that a _________ economy is the best.
Free trade
What concept of Smith can be described as: when you try to force it with regulations, you make it worst?
Invisible hand
What are the 3 natural laws (Smith) that he used to create his economic theory?
1- Law of Self Interest
2- Law of competition
3- Law of Supply and Demand
Explain Smith’s first natural law, the law of self interest.
He agrees with Hobbes, people only work for themselves. Therefore, we can give them incentives (wages) so they create more wealth.
Explain Smith’s second natural Law, the law of competition.
We are competitive beings. This helps us want to be better at what we do and therefore we are more productive.
Explain Smith’s thirs natural Law, the law of supply and demand.
Prices should be regulated by supply and demand, not the government.
What are the 3 roles of government for smith?
1- Protecting from violence and foreign invasions
2- Protecting every member from injustice and opression
3- Building and maintaining public works and institutions if in the interest of everyone - not just a few
What is Smith’s view on the poor?
it’s on them, it is because they did not work hard enough, but we should still care about them.
Why does Smith’s believes we should care about the poor?
1- State doesnt create as much wealth when people arent working
2- People commit more crime when dont have money
What does Smith believes we should do about the poor?
Everybody should give to charity.
Karl Marx believes that most of history is a series of conflic caused by what?
Class Struggle
When Marx talks about class struggle, he means between ___ and _____
people who have and people who dont
owner and worker
Marx believes that the class struggle conflicts will only end when…
there’s no class anymore
What are the 3 points of the mean of production for Marx?
1- What is produced
2- how is it exchanged (who gets the goods or the $ of the goods)
3- How is it produced (who owns and who produces)
Marx believes that wealth =
that wealth is a consequence of….
the work of others
what does ownsership creates? Hierarchy
divion of labour, and classes
What is the issue with social classes?
antgonistic classes, the have divergent interests and will never get along
What is Alienation’s definiton? What does it mean for Marx?
is being foreign or having something kept from us, it is how capitalism is oppressiong the workers
What are the 4 points of Alienation of Marx?
1- Alienation from the means of production
(workers own nothing where they work)
2- Alien from product of your labour
(Even if doing the best work, you dont make more money)
3- Alien from value of my labour and myself
(even if you put everything you can into you work, it isnt reflecting who you are - makes you replaceable)
4- alien from others
(always competing to get jobs, creates the army of the unemployed)
What are Marx’s 3 points to describe the workers?
1- dont work for themselves
2- dont belong to themselves
3- they represent most of the population
What is Marx’s view of the poor? 2
Unless they beg, they do not get help
poor are poor because the rich are rich
What was Marx’s idea on the way to change things?
Explain how Marx believed that this change would happen and where is the revolution is placed in it?
1- feudalism 2- capitalism 3- REVOLUTION 4- Socialism 5- Communism
To whay political idea(s) private property aplies?
feudalism and capitalism
To whay political idea(s) public property aplies?
socialism and communism
To whay political idea(s) governement, money, taxes and classes applies?
feudalism, capitalism and socialism
To whay political idea(s) the survival of the fittest applies?
feudalism and capitalism
To whay political idea(s) could we attribute welfare state?
To whay political idea(s) could we attribute post scarcity economy?
Was the idea of equality always around?
no, it is a modern idea
why is equal rights and opportunites not achieved yet?
1- not always applied
2- Hard to achieve
3- income inequalities are extrem
what are the 3 main forms of equality? describe each
equality of rights: legal and political
equality of opportunity: equal chance to get ahead in life
equality of outcome: reduce/eliminate differences in distribution of wealth, income, power and other goods
Why is the equality of outcome hard to achieve?
systemic differences
What is group equality? How can it be achieved (example)?
seeking the equality for a group that shares common characteristcs. Can be achieved through governmental actions such as employement equity
Explain how the concept of the right and the left was installed.
French assembly after the french revolution. Supporter of the monarchy sat on the right of the room and those opposed sat on the left.
In what year was the french assembly after the french revolution?
On a linear spectrum, where would be democracy and authoritarian regimes?
democracy in the middle, athoritarian on both sides
On a linear economic spectrum, how would we call the extrem right and left?
Right: corporate state
Left: planned economy
What is valued the most in liberalism? Explain from what it emerged?
values individual freedom
developped from arbritary power, restrictions on business, lack of religious and political freedom.
What is the liberal view of government?
believe that there should be one, but afraid abuse of power.
On whose idea is classical liberalism? From that explain view of role of government.
John Locke’s idea.
governement should only have power to protect people’s freedom: protection of life, liberty and property.
Name the two points of reform liberalism (or welfare liberalism)
Values individual freedom and governement should removes obstacles in individuals development.
Name examples of what a reform liberalist government would do to take away obstacles?
measure unemployment, indurance, old ag, pensions, health care, subsidized education
What are the 3 things valued by conservatists?
order, tradition, stability
What is conservatist view on human? What pinciple emerges from that?
humans are naturally imperfect, therefore should have intense law enforcement.
What are the views of conservatists when it come to individual freedom?
they are less concerned by rights of individuals
What used to be associated with conservatism, what are they associated with now?
aristocracy, now fee-market economy
From what did socialism emerged?
from the harshness of the capitalist system
What is the socialist view of humans?
humans are social beings and value cooperative and community
From what emerged Marxism? What is it criticising? What is the idea of government?
From Karl Marx and Frederique Engels
critics the capitalist production system
workers will control the state after the revolution
Explain in two simple points communism.
1- no private ownership, only communal ownership
2- everyone takes what they need from society
Explain what is democratic socialism.
1- believes that only democratic methods should be used to work towards socialist system
2- Favors public ownership in some industries
What is Anarchism?
State is the source of opression, we should replace the state with a cooperatio or a communal society
What is fashism?
agressive form of nationalism. Believes that inequalities are natural