International relations and global politics Flashcards
What is international politics? Give examples.
political issues and actions made by states and non-state actors beyond state boundaries.
exchanges, transactions, contacts, the flow of info,
How do we call the key actors in international politics?
global actors
Name the 3 categories of global actors, explain and give examples of each.
Society of states: government leaders, UN, Countries, World Bank.
Market: Corporations, trade agreements
Culture/civil society: social movements, Greenpeace, red cross, protestor
Explain what you need to have/be a global actor.
individual/entity that has the power (economic, political or military) to affect the global process and has the will to do so.
What is an “Inter-paradigm” debate/theory
Way of seeing, understanding or simplifying the world
Which of the 2 paradigm we saw in class is the “major one” in world politics? How did it used to be called and why?
Real-politik because it is very rational
Give examples of people or countries that believe in realism.
Trump, North Korea, Russia
Politics is a game of _____. You want to have it for yourself and will base _____ to do so.
foreign policies
Want to have ___ power (_____, ______) . The struggle for it is ______.
People are _____, they will look for power.
Hard (military, economic)
in our DNA
What are the 3 core assumptions of structural realism?
1- anarchy exists in world politics because there is no higher power.
2- States are sovereign.
3- States are rational unitary actors
What are the 4 impactions of state behaviors in structural realism?
1- National security requires self-help - you are on your own.
2- One nation’s security = another nation’s insecurity
3- war is inevitable
4- order is achieved through balance of power, nobody is weaker.
What are the 2 roles of morality in structural realism?
1- power trumps justice. Justice is subjective and set by the winner/powerful
2- world politics isnt about being good/evil. Sometimes need to do bad things to achieve good things.
What is structural realism’s view on cooperation?
possibility of permanent cooperation and change is limited, because we are selfish. Only help you if it benifices me.
What is the balancing thing? When does it happen
allies will rise against emerging powers or threats.
Happens with stronger states when there’s peace, or early stages of war.
Explain the concept of bandwagonning. Who does that?
Joining dominant side to be on the winning side. More common in weaker states who cant balance.
What is the second paradigm?
In liberalism, there is the Katian Triangle in which _____, _____ and _____ _______ reinforces global propensity towards ___ and ______.
institutions, democracy and economic interdependance.
peace and cooperation.
The 5 key assumptions of liberalism are…
1- you are not alone: survival doesnt only depend on self help
2- Hold on: security dilemma is not inevitable
3- Be good and do good: theres a role for justice and morality in world politics
4- give peace a chance: gain a lot alone, more if we work together
5- play well with others: seek partnership and cooperation.
Why are instutions important in liberalism? What is the goal of liberal insitutionalism?
International institutions reduce anarchy.
provide opportunity for actors to avoid Hobbesian state of nature/realism. Give the people a place to talk it out.
In liberalism, they beleive that as long as there’s _____, world politics will remain violent character and power-oriented.
What is liberal commercialism?
economic globalization and interdendance are reinforced because it creates peace long-term.
Liberal internationalism believe that ___ is key. ______ dont get into wars.
Development is a condition that involves satisfying the ____ ____ and the _____ that make life worth living based on the creation of a ______, _____ and ______ economy, while remaining _______ ________.
basic needs
diversified, sophisticated, sustainable
environmentally sustainable
Why is it necessary for the development to be sustanble?
Because it isnt development if it impossible to reproduce.
A country that is developping will have ___ income, ____ GDP and ___ debt.
low, low, high
A country that is developping will have their income _____ distributed.
A country that is developping will be focused on ___ industries, while a developped will be focused on ___, ___ and _____ industries.
The farming in a developping country will be ______, but ___ and ____ in a developped country.
of subsistence
industrial and commercial
In a developping countries, they will have social problems such as ___ and _____, while in a devlopped the country the problems will be based on exess like ______
hunger and food insecurity
Name a consequence of low public services in develpping countries?
high infant mortality rate
The goals of developpement are….
satisfy basic needs like food housing, clothing, water.
diverisfied economy and practice industry sectors
How and when were the world financial institutions installed?
After WW2, Bretton Wood conference and decided that we should prioritize liberal ideologies of free-rade and stop the emergence of protectionis and neo-mercantilism.
Name the 3 main financial institutions, and what they do?
GATT (WTO) = focus on free-trade
IMF (international monetary fund): emergency assistance
World Bank: last resort financial help/long term stabilization.
In the modernization teory of (neo)liberalism, we say that inequalities are due to____/_____ _______.
social/technical developpment
What are the criticism of the modernazition technique? 6
1- ignores larger context
2- blame countries
3- doesnt understand that all countries are different and have different situations.
4- doesnt talk about the fact that wealthy nations are the reason cause poverty.
5- ethnocentric
6- it is not garanteed that everyone will have good standards of living.
Th modernization technique is like a bootcamp for countries. Name the steps that countries must take to get the financial help.
1- fiscal discipline (cute)
2- reduction of public expenditure/spending
3- tax reform
4- financial liberalization (no govt inteverention for interests rates)
5- currency devaluation
6- trade liberalization (no quotas on import)
7- promote foreign direct investments
8- deregulation of the economy
9- protection of property rights
Explain the view of the world by Neo-marxists
Im poor cause you are rich.
Response to modernization theory
global inequalities are because exploitation of low inome states.
what are the 3 ain criticism of neo-marxism
1- focuses only on external factors
2- inside some countries, people also benefit from the inequalities of the poor
3- some countries such as south korea grew fast, doubt that only the rich make the poor poor
What is the name of the last system after neo-marxism and neo-liberalism
World system perspective of constructivism
In the World system perspective of constructivism, they beleive that they should study the ___ instead of _____.
Globalisation is a new form of ________.
The economic and social developpment of a state is determined by the _____ and the ________.
world nation-states Imperialism structure Place of the state in the system
In the World system perspective of constructivism, explain who is the core, the semi-periphery, the periphery an how they depend on each other.
C= bourgeoisis/wealthy states Semi-p= manufactures P= primary sector.
C needs p and semi-p to make money.
semi-p needs p for cheap goods.
p needs c and semi-p to to buy their goods.
Name as much of the 17 sustainable development goals.
1- no poverty 2- zero hunger 3- good health and well-being 4- quality education 5- gender equality 6- clean-water/sanitation 7- affordable and clean Energie 8- industry, innovation and infrastructures 9- reduced inequalities 10- sustainable cities and communities 11- responsible production and consummation 12- climate action 13- life below water 14- life on land 15- peace, justice, strong institutions 16- partnership for goals 17 decent work and economic growth