What is a composite material?
A material made by combining two or more distinct materials with different physical or chemical properties, consisting of a matrix and reinforcement.
What is a hybrid material?
A subset of composites that involve multiple types of reinforcements or matrices to achieve multifunctional properties.
What is the purpose of hybrid materials?
To achieve multiple desirable properties simultaneously, like toughness, strength, heat resistance, and lightweight.
What is a smart material?
Materials whose properties can be significantly altered by external stimuli like stress, temperature, pH, electric, or magnetic fields.
Give examples of smart materials.
Piezoelectric materials, shape memory alloys, magnetoactive materials, thermostrictive materials.
What are smart composites?
Composites that incorporate smart material components to provide sensing or actuation properties.
What are smart structures?
Systems that combine smart materials with control systems to sense and react to external stimuli dynamically.
What terms are used interchangeably with smart materials?
Adaptive materials, intelligent materials, and response materials.
What are sensors?
Devices that detect and respond to physical, chemical, or biological conditions.
Give examples of common sensor types.
Biological sensors, chemical sensors, piezoelectric sensors, resistive sensors.
What are actuators?
Components that act upon the environment using mechanical, electrical, or chemical energy inputs.
Give examples of common actuator types.
Thermal actuators, electromechanical actuators, magnetic actuators.
What is Level 1 of the Pyramid Model of Smart Materials?
Basic materials with inherent passive properties, e.g., shape-memory alloys.
What is Level 2 of the Pyramid Model?
Multifunctional elements designed to exploit specific properties, e.g., light-sensitive glasses.
What is Level 3 of the Pyramid Model?
Adaptronic structures integrating sensors, actuators, and control systems.
What is Level 4 of the Pyramid Model?
System-level integration of smart structures into larger systems, e.g., aircraft wings that adjust to airflow.
How are smart materials used in soft robotics?
Smart actuators and sensors enable flexible, adaptive designs and provide feedback on deformation or environmental changes.
What are examples of smart actuators in soft robotics?
Dielectric elastomers, magnetoactive materials, photoresponsive actuators.
What types of feedback do smart sensors in soft robotics provide?
Feedback on deformation, force, or environmental changes.
What is an example of a human application of smart materials?
Wearable sensors for health monitoring or smart prosthetics with adaptive grip strength.
What is an industrial use of smart materials?
Vibration damping in machines using magnetorheological fluids.
What is an example of adaptive lenses in industrial applications?
Adaptive lenses in cameras or telescopes.