Smart Pricing Flashcards
What are three examples of companies/industries that use smart pricing? (And how?)
- Dell:
- Same product is sold at a different price to different consumers (private/small or large business/government/academia/health care)
- Even, price of the same product for the same industry varies
- Airlines and Hotels
- Revenue management
- Nikon, Sharp…
- Mail-In-Rebate (Cash back offers)
What are the three pricing strategies?
–Revenue management
–Cash back
–Dynamic pricing
•What is revenue management?
–Price differentiation
•What is the purpose of it?
–Revenue maximization
–Demand smoothing
Explain the basic idea behind revenue management with an example of hotel rooms
–Exclusive hotel with 400 identical rooms
–D = 1,000 – 0.5p, D: demand, p=price
•What is the price that the company should charge to maximize revenue?
Simple linear model - how can this be maximised?

Without price discrimination, what is the maximum revenue?
–D = 1,000 – 0.5p, D: demand, p=price

What is the triangle above the revenue square?
Money on the Table
- What you could have earned if you had been able to seel each hotel room for the highest amount that each individual would be willing to pay
How can a share of the money on the table be obtained?
Price discrimination

What are the main challenges in regard to reveneu management?
And how can this challenge be overcome?
•Main challenge: Ensuring that those who can pay higher price do not pay lower price
•How can the firm prevent customers from moving from one class to another?
•Build fences between the various classes
Give an example of how to overcome (using the airport industry)

What is another benefit ?
Demand smoothing
What is an example of cash back?
Mail in rebates
What is mail-in rabates?
- Differentiating between customers based on price-sensitivity
- Adding significant hurdles to receive rebate
- However, there is no fence to stop customers (willing to pay more and able to pay more)
What are the motivations to use mail in rabates?
- No rebate:
- Retailer: determine the price and order quantity for max profit
- Manufacturer: profit is related to whole sale price not the price paid by customer
- With rebate:
- Manufacturer influences customer demand
- So, retailer orders more
- If managed well, the profit from increase order quantity > compensates for the rebate
What happens if everyone returns the coupon?
Then it is the same as a regular discount
(maybe not really, how about administrations cost?)

What is dynamic pricing?
- Dynamic Pricing (e.g. retail sales)
- Changing prices over time without necessarily distinguishing between different customers
- Find the optimal trade-off between high price and low demand versus low price and high demand
- Fashion industry: end of the season sales
- Front-end SC executives should have visibility into the back-end of SC