Small Mammals Flashcards
Ferret Hedgehog Chinchilla Fennec Fox Sugar Glider Degu Prairie Dogs
<p>What order does the ferret belong to?</p>
<p>Carnivora - similar to cats</p>
<p>What is a difference between the black footed ferret and the domestic ferret?</p>
<p>the black footed ferret is endangered and can't be kept as a pet
from the north american plains</p>
<p>What are some important characteristics of the ferret due to it being an obligate carnivore?</p>
<p>digestion is similar to cats</p>
What are the terms for different ferrets
Male, intact: Male, neutered: Female, intact: Female, spayed: Babies: Group:
Male, intact:Hob Male, neutered: Gib Female, intact:Jill Female, spayed: Sprite Babies:Kits Group:Business
What is a health problem that occurs in intact female ferrets if they are not bred?
Anemia - low iron - they are in “constant heat”
What vaccinations should be given to ferrets?
canine distemper
Where are ferrets illegal?
California and Hawaii
What is the natural diet of hedgehogs?
Cat food in captivity
What is a common health problem in hedgehogs?
The answer is either:
external and internal parasites
Why is the bedding type used for hedgehogs important?
not dusty or dry
can lead to respiratory problems
What is self-anointing?
rubbing saliva all over their body
- to mark themselves we think?
What order does the chinchilla belong to?
What is the native environment of the chinchilla?
Rocky areas
What is the importance of the dust bath for chinchillas? How often should it be done?
clean themselves without getting wet
What are some important items / considerations when setting up a cage for a chinchilla?
nest box
dust bath
something to gnaw on
What is the diet that should be fed to chinchillas in captivity?
good hay
chinchilla pellets
What are a male and female chinchilla called?
Boars and sows
What order and family does the fennec fox belong to?
canidae - like dogs
What are some adaptations of the fennec fox to their desert environment?
Large ears to dissipate heat and hear prey
A fur coat that repels sunlight during the day and conserves heat at night (also foot pads to protect from hot sand)
What is the natural diet of the fennec fox? What should they be fed in captivity?
Wild: beetles, lizards, rodents, birds, plants
Captivity: wild canid diet (zoo diet)
(we don’t know a lot about their diet)
What are some issues with owning a fennec fox as a pet?
Not easily house broken or litter trained
high energy
What vaccinations should the fennec fox get? What are some concerns with giving them vaccinations?
Canine vaccinations
Don’t know if they work the best?
Why is it important to hand raise fennec fox pups?
They burrow into the ground with their babies (?)
why they’re not considered a domesticated animal all the way
What infraclass does the sugar glider belong to? What are some characteristics of animals in this infraclass?
Marsupalia - have a pouch
What is the native environment of the sugar glider?
Forest, wooded areas with high rainfall
How does a sugar glider glide from tree to tree?
using patagia - skin flaps
What are some considerations for keeping a sugar glider in captivity?
social groups
lots of room to glide and explore
What are the baby sugar gliders called? What is the gestation length? How does the mother care for the offspring immediately after birth?
Joeys - blind and deaf
she puts them in her pouch for 70 days
What are most health problems of the sugar glider probably related to? (leg paralysis, constipation)
Dietary imbalances
What are common health concerns of the degu?
Overgrown teeth
liver disease
tail loss
Are degus social?
Are degus precocial or altricial
What type of diet should prairie dogs be fed?
commercial diet
grass hay
What is rut? Why should we be concerned with prarie dogs?
drastic temperament change
don’t know why it happens
How are prairie dogs captured for captivity?
pups are removed fro underground tunnels with a vacuum device
What is the gambian pouched rat natural diet?
OMNIVORE insects crabs snails vegetables
Why are gambian pouched rats and ground hogs (?) illegal in parts of the US?
they are an invasive species
they can carry over diseases to humans - from Ghana - monkey pox outbreak