Small Mammal GI Disease Flashcards
Small Herbivores
- much faster GI transit than a horse for example
- round 1: get all their nutrition out of the food
- round 2: get the rest of the nutrition from caecotroph
- vomiting is one problem that rabbits don’t give us
- look on exotics section on learn!

Small Herbivores and Antibiotics
- can be scary to know what ot give small animals
- rabbits are very dependent on hidgut microflora
- antibiotic use (certain ones) will reduce some intestinal bacteria which allows for overgrowth of Clostridium

- Antibiotics that you cannot give rabbits by mouth!
- Penicillin
- Lincosamides
- Aminoglycosides
- Cyclosporins
- Erythromyocin
- Can give injectable penicillins in some cases though
Medications for Treating Small Mammals
- Metronidazole
- Fluoroquinolones
- Tetracyclines
- Sulfonamides
- Macrolides (some you can use, some you cannot)
Approach to “Gut Stasis”
- Often the rabbit is just not feeling right and this is a good sign

Common Causes of Gus Stasis
- If the rabbit just feels stressed, off, abnormal even
- Insufficient Fiber in the diet can lead to stasis
- Primary GI disease: obstructions are not uncommon in rabbits

Logical Approach to gut stasis
- not too different to cats and dogs
- is the GI the main system
- is the stomach affected or the hindgut?
- Rabbits often come in, not eating or pooing and it can be remedied as a stress related problem, but it isnt very definitive

History: define the problem
- what is it eating and what it is actually passing

Clinical Examination

- Important to get practice of the systems
- Need to feel abdomen (big an distended? pain) or is the pain elsewhere and causing secondary slowdown of GI?
Defining the system:
Primary GI v. Secondary GI

Stabilising a Rabbit with gut stasis
(5 +)
- 5 points of stabilising an animal (even any animal!)
- most likely won’t need oxygen, but should be on your radar!
- Might want to put them in areas where they can hide to avoid stress (as they think you are predator) and possibly a companion animal for low stress/company
- wuestion whether they need prokinetics or not

Providing Warmth
- Important to take temperature on outlet and keep them at the right temperature
- hypothermia is a solid indicator of a possible crashing patient
- rabbit temps are a bit higher normally than other species
- Don’t overheat though!

Fluid Therapy for Patient
- many of these patients are often dehydrated, with gut stasis, havent been eating–> rabbits get a good amount of fluid from food
- Will be considering fluid as a starting point for a lot of patients
- They have a faster metabolic rate so a high amount of fluid is normal!
- Use marginal ear vein for rabbits, apply cream and local anaestetic so they actually stay still
- the veins are on the peripheral edges of the ear
- really small dwarf rabbits may need to do sub Q fluids as the vein is too small for the cathether- but isnt the best method.
- If you warm the fluids and use hyaluronidase (which causes quick distribution of the fluid!) - echo

- Is great to tempt them to eat in practice, but normally difficult
- best to do 5 feeding if they are anorexic, less if they have been willing to eat a bit

- hard to assess pain in these small animals
- ex: this obstructed rabbit has a grimace face and his ears are back
- still have same pain relief options as other animals

Gut Stasis and the Constant Risk
- drugs can slow gut motility depending on which you use
- but pain sill slow it more than anything
- you need to give adequate analgesia to get anything done or else you will be stuck in this cycle

Most common, but one of the least effective!
no effect on hindgut which isnt very effective for the rabbit

- has some effect on the hindgut as well

- same as ranitidine in the foregut
- echo

- Need to Define the Location
- this is a normal rabbit radiograph
- most of body is GI tract
- have respiratory problems often due to small lung field
- should see some patches of gas
Initially Conscious X-Rays

- can normally keep them calm if they are in a dark room and quiet
Rabbit presented in gut stasis, painful, abdomen felt tens

- would you go to surgery right away?
- there is a definite obstruction concern
- stomach is so round
Would you go to surgery?

- This is a completely obstructed rabbit- YES
- see black line between stomach wall and ingesta
- gas build up between stomach and food
- stomach was FULL of hair –> companion was long haired and it had been grooming him
Would you go to surgery?

- no
- he was in pain, tons of gas, bacterial imbalance
- but there is gas through the WHOLE GI Tract
- so it is not an obstructed abdomen
When is Surgery Required?
- if you are unsure, you can take serial radiographs to see if the gas is moving
- can be so painful, so dont underestimate the analgesia you may need

Blood Test in these patients
- Not totally diagnostic
- need to check the teeth - may need anaesthesia or analgesia

Define the Lesion
- approach you find in other animals may not work in rabbits
- if you biopsy multiple places on the rabbit can compromise the gut (echo)

Approach to Diarrhea
- Same approach as dogs and cats
- make sure it isnt just an accumulation of caecotrophs on the hind end - very important to clarify!
- Not producing caecotrophs is different to diarrhea

Common Causes of Diarrhea
- Hopefully these can help you define without any of the tests

Diagnosis of Diarrhea
- Majority of diarrhea cases, you will be able to get diagnosis from history

Stablising a Rabbit with Diarrhea
- generally oxygen isnt required
- coccidia is a main infection in YOUNG rabbits
- antibiotics- avoid use as much as possible, but metranidazole is indicated for bacterial enteritis
- There are a lot of products on the market for rabbits in terms of probiotics, but research shows they arent super beneficial
- fecal transfers can be an option in some cases - even though owners dont love it

More Specific Treatment for Diarrhea